My 72 NOOB Tank :)

Been up and running for six weeks now. Got some goodies this weekend.
Naso Tang
Clown (he's tiny)
Green Star Polyps
Some other kind of Polyps (not sure what they are called)
Fish are eating great, so I guess they made the transition from LFS ok.

Full Tank Shot

Star Polyps (just put them in last night, so still getting acclimated

Unidentified polyps?




Active Member
Looking good, the naso looks sick. He looks stressed and has something on his back fin.(The 72 is a little small for a naso)
Thanks for the comments. Yeah, the LFS said it was probably stress related and would go away. He seems to be doing really well, very active and eating well. I will keep a close eye on him. Will lymphocystis go away on its own if water levels are good and he gets situated? Any help appreciated. The LFS guys seemed like it was no big deal and they have really been pretty good on advice and not selling me when they shouldnt. Seems like the best outfit in my town, so would hate to hear that they shouldnt have sold me this fish.


Originally Posted by solarbearusa
Thanks for the comments. Yeah, the LFS said it was probably stress related and would go away. He seems to be doing really well, very active and eating well. I will keep a close eye on him. Will lymphocystis go away on its own if water levels are good and he gets situated? Any help appreciated. The LFS guys seemed like it was no big deal and they have really been pretty good on advice and not selling me when they shouldnt. Seems like the best outfit in my town, so would hate to hear that they shouldnt have sold me this fish.

The lfs usually has a "your problem now" attitude when it comes to sick fish. When I had just started into the freshwater hobby I was ready to buy a fish from a worker and was talked out of it by another fish enthusiast who saw that it had discolored eyes and was sick... I came back 3 days later to check on that fish and it was already dead.
Not cool that they tried to sell it to me.
Sorry for my random story but congrats on finding a good lfs


Active Member
lymph will go away if the fish is not stressed, but naso tangs are large ocean going fish. they require at least 6' of swimming room. I would not even put one in my 150, unless it was a FO tank. Even then, it would outgrow it eventually. you should look into removing that fish before it stresses out more and gets ick or causes other problems.
I may see if my LFS will take him back, #1 because of the lymph and #2 if the tank is truly too small (they didn't say anything about that)
Any good recomendations on reef safe fish that would be good for 72G and that is not too territorial?