My 75 gallon Stock List


I have a 75 gallon with 90 lbs of live rock and 70-80lbs of live sand.
I have a emperor penguin filter hob for a 150gallon i have a couple powerheads, a skimmer up to 100 gallons and a uv sterilizer.
I have recently lost a few fish due to ich. I'm currently treating with hyposalinity. I have 3 more weeks to go. I currently have a one spotted yellow foxface, perculla clown, and a lawnmower blenny. It has no corals yet i may do it eventually i may not. I'm looking for a fish with lots of personality and that is colorful and not very shy. I really like the dogfaces but i think he would eat the clown and i don't think i have a big enough tank.....Any suggestions? I have no inverts as of now so really my tank can go either way reef or not....

noah's nemo

I just added a flame hawk to my tank.Loads of fun to watch.He actually watches me more than i watch him.I'd suggest one of em


Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
I just added a flame hawk to my tank.Loads of fun to watch.He actually watches me more than i watch him.I'd suggest one of em

I'll second that. We have one in our 29 gallon and it adds some red and is out almost all the time if not it's easy to find.
You might also want to look at dwarf angels. They come in many colors and are out quite a bit.
If you decide not to go reef you could probably go with one of the toby puffers (Ones on this site are Valentini, Hawaiian Spotted, hawaiian Saddle, Hawaiian Blue, and Whitebelly I believe). Same easy going personality of the bigger puffers but in a smaller package.


If its color, personality, and a small package your looking for, try a Flame Angel. Flame Hawks are nice too, but not quite as brilliantly colored as the Flame Angel.


i've thought about them but all the ones at the lfs are 100$ cause there fairly big for a dwarf. i just don't want to pay that after i just lost all those fish
I may have missed this, but are you doing the hypo in your dt with the LR, because that low of a salinity will kill your LR and any inverts (but I know you said you don't have any inverts yet)
I love the flame hawks as well! Have one in a 92g and he is wonderful!