My 75 gallon tank Help me!!!


I'd like to point out that Ryan probably shouldn't set his sights on an anemone/anemones until he's a little more experienced, not to mention that he hasn't mentioned any kind of lighting... Anemones really should have decent lighting, and aren't exactly suited for the beginner.


Very true, good lighting an most like a decent current... a lovely creature like that sure looks gross in a goeey glob disolving in your tank


2 percula clowns $10.00
royal gramma $9.00
Saddle clown brown $9.00
1 4-Stripe Damsel $3.00
1 2-Stripe Damsel $3.00
Condy Anemone Colored $7.00
Condylactis Anemone $6.00
Curly Q Anemone $5.00
Reef Hatian Anemone $7.00
Long Tentacle Anemone $15.00
Feather Duster, Giant Hawaiian $9.00
6 Astrea Conehead Algae Eater Snail $1.00
Pencil Urchin $8.00
Camel Shrimp $6.00
Peppermint Shrimp $6.00
2 Blue Leg Hermit $2.00
$119.00 Shipping $25.00 10% 11.90
AQUACLEAR POWERHEAD #802 Price: $25.99
CORALIFE SALT 150 GAL. MIX Price: $29.99
127.99 shipping $10.95
All together $304.87


Active Member
ryan, let us know more about your experience and not the cost of your tank and inhabitants. first how long has your 75 been, up what type of things do you plan on keeping eventually, fo, fowlr, reef, what what you want to keep is going to dictate the lights you will need. you need to slow down and start off by buyinga couple books and reading about the hobby first. that way you can then make logical decisions as to what you are going to keep in your tank. good luck


You are giving us a big list of things, are you planning to add everything at once. If you are then you are going to lose a lot of things. In an aquarium things need to be added slowly. The biological filtration has to level out. If you add too much stuff then the levels will spike and you will stress everything.
Tell us about you a little how long have you been in the hobby? Are you a new guy with his first tank? How long has the 75g been setup or is it set up?


Ok im sorry my name is Ryan I did do freshwater for about a year or two.Im looking to buy the things I need next week so I have to figure out which should be added Like what should I put in the tank first only sand,skimmer and fish? and then a month later when the tank is all cycled add the plants and live rock?


Active Member
you want to have your snad, rock and filtration set up and running with a piece of cocktail shrimp in the tank for 3-4 weeks until your tank is cycled, then and only then would i add fish and id wait even longet for inverts other than snails and crabs. you have to develop denitrifying bacteria in the rocks and sand and filter so that they can break down fish and coral waste in the tank. throwing a raw shrimp in there aids the bacteria and allows them to get started. you need to buy a good book and a test kit so that you can read up on the hobby while your tank is cycing and then test teh water every coupel of days or so so you can tell how far along your cycle you are progressing.
good luck


Ryan, If you are looking for the fastest cycle possible then buy live sand, pre-mixed saltwater, and about 1 pound of live rock per gallon or more. Most of these things you should be able to get at your LFS. I would forget the anenomes for awhile. The way i have set up both my tanks is I filled the tank half way with water, then i added the sand, then the live rock and the rest of the water, and finally I got my filters up and running. You can do this all in one day, but before you can add any fish you should wait about 2 weeks to about a month. You should buy test kits aswell and test your water during this 2 week period and when your levels like ph, nitrates and amonia become stable then you can add your first fish. I waited 5 months before i added any coral to my tank.
Also make sure not to add to many fish at one time becuase your amonia will rise and your fish will probably die.