My 75g tank.


New Member
That would be a leopard blennie. Pretty nice tank cleaner. He keeps the algae down. He sometimes sits on top of the bicolor blennie.


New Member
The mushroom is some type of Ricordea Yuma. I think those are the ones with the bumps on the mouth. Also here is a picture of the whole tank.


Active Member
That blenny is really neat Capt. did u put that wahoo in the tank too? Man i'd give anything to go fishing in the ocean again.


New Member
The blennie is a leopard blennie. The wahoo went into soy sauce and wasabi dip and you know what happens after that. I like offshore fishing a lot also, that why i do it for a living.


Active Member
your lepoard blennie is awesome, but how big did he end up getting...i thought it was some type of scorpion or leopard