My 75g

Hey all. I'm new here and just wanted to share my 75g soon to be reef tank. Here we go:
Right side:

Left Side:

Full Tank Shot:

Me and the Tank: (water isn't green, just looks that way)

In the 1st pic, you can see my Scopas Tang (4 1/2")
In the 2nd pic, you can see my Snowflake Eel (11") hanging out of the rockwork)
In the 3rd pic, you can see everything but the Scopas Tang.
In the 4th pic, I look pretty gay, LOL. Very bad picture of me.
Coolguy, those two tangs will soon be transferred to my 1,100 gallon shark pond. No worries! I know what I'm doing.
Not sure. I want to keep it and make it a reef tank, but who knows, I might sell it for the extra money to build the pond.
Thanks for the compliments everyone!
Just so everybody knows, the two tangs WILL be transferred to the pond.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coolguy818
Tang Police.....................
Man I just got to say thank you for representing so well and giving him a nice warm welcome.


Active Member
Well I'll give you a good ol' welcome.
Welcome to the boards! How big is your setup? What's your stock list? What's your parameters at? Reef or FOWLR?
Good to see ya on here though Chad.
LOL. Well, my setup is 75g, with a Scopas Tang, Blue Tang, Yellow Damselfish, and Snowflake Eel. Parameters are prestine. It's FOWLR but I will be switching over to reef, just because I want more movement, without more fish.
Quit rushing me! LOL I'm doing the best I can. Keeping this tank healthy and running smoothly doesn't leave me with a lot of extra money, so I'm saving, just not saving fast.