my 75g


New Member
Hey guys I just started stocking my 75 gallon tank and bought a mated pair of clowns, i was wondering what your thoughts were on what the best tank mates would be for these 2?
Also, my buddy saw my tank recently and now wants to turn his 210 into saltwater, what would your suggestions be on the filtration system for him? Protein skimmer, basically everything I can't really find anything for a tank that big to help him out any.
Thanks guys


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the site!
The clowns are pretty easy. Any non-agressive type fish for that size tank will go except another clown.
What filter system does your buddy have on the 210 freshwater tank?


Welcome to SWF.....when you say just started, how old is the tank? Is it ready for fish? Are you wanting corals? Got a pic of your tank?
As far as your friend, tell him to look into sumps and refugiums, and a good protein skimmer too....


New Member
The tank is all cycled and I'm in the stocking phase now, just looking for some idea on fish this is my first time with salt, not real familiar with the different types. Corals not at this time I just want to try and keep fish before I try corals too, I have some of those fake decorations right now.
He did have 3 fluval fx5s but I'm not sure he has them anymore, the tank hasn't been setup for a few years now.
not the best pics they are from my phone but here is the setup. Marineland bip pro 350, aguaclear 110, and a sea clone protein skimmer (know its not the best but it's all i could afford right now), sedona stand and canopy.
thanks for the welcome and info guys