my 8" bird wrasse is still being bully


Active Member
i add him 2 weeks ago.. he still being picked on by my humu humu and clown trigger.he have a lot of bite mark already but he eats ok but with caution..i have 200 lbs live rock but i have 4 'x 3' tank . i know wrasse are pretty tough but can he survive...humu humu 3.5" and clown is 4". i the past i already lost 2 5 " harlequin wrasse and a 6" lunare wrasse....


I would remove the wrasse and just keep the two triggers, I am surprised considering how fast these wrasses are. You can try removing the two triggers and rearrange your rock but with those two may not be able to have any new additions.


The triggers will pick on the wrasse. My humu picked my fairy wrasse all the time, so I took him out for couple weeks and out him seemed to work now, they are swimming together and eating together, but still the wrasse is carefull when it comes to be close to the humu.......


Active Member
In risk of sounding rude...If it's been two weeks and the Triggers are still picking on the fish and stressing it out, I'm surprised you even have to ask what you should do.
The Wrasse should have been removed alot sooner.


Active Member
its very difficult to remove a wrasse it over 200 lbs of live rock and bury him self on the sand if i try to catch him i will stresss all the fish in the tank ....i have my tank between walls and its about 7 feet high... it means i have to drain all my water out..... the wrasse is hiding in between the rock i think it only pick on him when i get close to his nest.


Active Member
unfortunately you have picked to 2 most aggressive triggers and they will be almost impossible to ad any new fish in with them at all.and any other fish including each other have a 95% change of killing everything you have as far as live stock goes including each other.I have heard numerous amounts of testimonies of how well behaved other hobbiest trigger have behaved for many yrs without any problems from their then one day waking up and finding all but their triggers have basicly made your tank a species tank triggers and wrasses(bird wrasse being a lesser of aggressive of that species)
anything you add to this tank can and most likely be subject to this aggressive behavior.triggers and wrasses should always be the last to be added to any tank due to territorial agggression.


Active Member
remove the triggers rearrange some rockwork then put the triggers back .this may reduce the territorial claim