they all need a lot of swimming room. I was told by numerous fish shops that if you listened to all of the room requriements you wouldn't have any fish in your tank. Just dont over crowd the tank and you should be fine.
The Corols on the left side of the tank are made by a company Decoral. They are made out of polyurathine. They look really great and give the tank a more natural feel. The only thing that I'm worried about is that they will start growing alge on them and they will begin to look dirty, but until them...
Originally Posted by TUCHOVGRAY
yes that is a queen angel.
I love Queen angels. I wish i could get one except im building a mainly sps reef. So untill it Really matures im not takeing any chances.
She lookes a little long have you had her? is the Dwarf picking on her
Is that live rock mixed with the fake coral??
I have been think of doing that because I just can't do the real coral thing and I am not real happy with just live rock,, kind of looks too rocky>>>
How long have you had the fake coral in the tank??
There is 75 lbs of lace rock no live rock. i would have liked to do live rock but i got some bad advice when i started out. the fake corals have been in the tank since August.