My 90 Gallon reef tank


New Member
Hi everyone.... this is my 90 gallon reef tank.. i try to get as much as possible information and i think thats probably some stuff that i didn't put in. its been establish for 2 years.. and i'd like to know what you think... please give feedback or suggestion
list of fishes in the tank:
- 2 wild blue regal tank 4 inches and 1/2 inch
- 2 wild percula clown 2 inches and 1 inch
- 2 green chomis damsel both are 1 inch
- 1 wild sailfin tang desjardinii (red sea) 3 inches
- 1 wild powder blue tang 3 inches
- 1 six line wrasse 2 inches
- 1 scooter blenny 1 inch
- 1 diamond goby 4 inches
- 1 wild black reidi sea horse kuda 4 inches
- 1 yellow kuda sea horse 3 inches
- 1 emperor angel (juvenile) 3 inches
- 1 yellow coris wrasse 2 inches
- 1 yellow tang 3 inches
- 1 blonde naso tang 3 inches
list of inverts:
- 1 sea urchin long spine (small)
- 1 chocolate chip star fish (small)
- 1 cleaner shrimp (2 inches)
- 1 coral banned shrimp (3 inches)
- 1 purple nudibranch (small)
- 3 emerald crab (small)
- 1 decorator crab ( small)
- 1 bubble tip anemone (small)
- 2 wild queen conch (small)
- 15+ hermit crab (vary)
- 10+ turbo snail (vary)
- 3 nassarius snail (vary)
- 1 cleaner clam (small)
- 1 maxima clam blue (small)
- 20+ feather duster tank breed (small)
list of corals:
- 3+ wild xenias (vary)
- 40+ polyps green zoos
- 1 flower pot 8 inches
- 1 pagoda rock 5 inches
- 10+ blue mushrooms
- 1 acropora 12 inches
- 3 stalk alveoporas
- 2 hand leather left and right (horn)
- 1 frog spawn
- 2 green star polyps (large)
- 1 yellow gorgonian 10 inches
- 1 red gorgonian 3 inches
- 1 leather toadstool (large)
- 1 colt coral (small)
- 10+ yellow polyps (small)
- 1 pink coco worm (large)
- 150+lbs live rocks (vary) different kind
- 60+lbs fiji live sand + black sand(Indo pacific)
sorry the pictures its not that clear and i have a lot of pictures but can i only allowed to upload 5 of them, thank you for looking



New Member
How do your yellow and sailfin tangs get along? I also have a 90 and have thought about adding a sailfin to my tank (I already have a yellow tang).
Tank looks good and makes mine look bare!


New Member
Originally Posted by IowaMed
How do your yellow and sailfin tangs get along? I also have a 90 and have thought about adding a sailfin to my tank (I already have a yellow tang).
Tank looks good and makes mine look bare!
i never seen it fight.. actually the blue powder tang that always fight... buy the sail fin tang desjarndinii(red sea) looks way better and i think they don't fight with yellow tang

matt b

Active Member
Thats way to many fish and a seahorse should not be in that tank but I guess if it works for you
How dose your seahorse life with that flow and all the crazy eaters? Who told you that you could have that many fish let alone all those tangs in that tank? I bet your local fish store huh? AND that chocolate chip star will prob end up eating your corals sooner or later and I would bet sooner if you dont feed it ALOT. And what are your nitrates? Please post real #.


Active Member
there is alot of fish on that list. and also not 2 mention the angel. and in time a big angel at that...but if it works, wuts equipment do u have for this setup. any pics...


I would like to know more about the tangs in your tank as well. my boyfriend wants to get a tang for our 92 gallon but I am opposed to it. how long have you had the tangs? did you set up your rocks so they have lots of swimming room?


Very nice, it looks like you have put a lot of time and effort into your setup. Keep up the good work and show more pics.


That's a HUGE bioload for a 90 but it looks great so you must be doing something right


there is a pritty good rule for adding fish about only adding 2" per 10gallons of tank and that is to be used conservetively due to the size of larger fish poop big fish will produce but on the other habd you do have a good looking tank and I like the georg very nice


New Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
there is alot of fish on that list. and also not 2 mention the angel. and in time a big angel at that...but if it works, wuts equipment do u have for this setup. any pics...
yup angel usually don't work with reef specially emperor angel .. but since i had it from 1" small and feed them fish food like mysis shrimp or flakes every day.. i don't have any problem so far probably went they change color.. and for the setup, i always used something bigger(everything for 150 gallon) i will take the picture went i have time ..
protein skimmer for 150 gallon
wet/dry system
UV stabilizer
bio ball


New Member
Originally Posted by kirkland
I would like to know more about the tangs in your tank as well. my boyfriend wants to get a tang for our 92 gallon but I am opposed to it. how long have you had the tangs? did you set up your rocks so they have lots of swimming room?
tangs are very hardy fish ... get something like sailfin tang, blue regal tang, yellow tang, kole tang, naso tang, those are easy to keep.. well you can setup the rock what ever you want but you also have to give some gap so they can swim around... i have those since i have my tank... i bought it since they were little .. i think thats better


New Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
Thats way to many fish and a seahorse should not be in that tank but I guess if it works for you
How dose your seahorse life with that flow and all the crazy eaters? Who told you that you could have that many fish let alone all those tangs in that tank? I bet your local fish store huh? AND that chocolate chip star will prob end up eating your corals sooner or later and I would bet sooner if you dont feed it ALOT. And what are your nitrates? Please post real #.
yup i guess nobody can keep seahorse with other fishes, well i have them for a while and they all wild caught so its even harder... nope nobody ever tell me to have those many fishes.. do you think local fish store will recommend you to put seahorse in the tank with a lot of crazy eaters fishes.. no right.. its the way you take care of the fish... doesn't matter how many fish as long they can swim around they should be fine ... chocolate chip doing fine .. i have it for a while too .. never landed on the coral... always stays on the glass .. nitrates,,, i m not sure .. i will check it and will let you know .. you gotta believe in your self .. hehehe

i am batman

New Member
That is inspiring. There are so many nice setups on here it's amazing.
I think a lot of people are illiterate, partially blind, or just plain ignorant and don't read the first post thoroughly. It states that the tank has been established for 2 years, and it looks healthy.
What works for him may not work for you. Just because you have your own tank or have read all of the books doesn't make you an expert.


Originally Posted by I Am Batman http:///forum/post/2614198
I think a lot of people are illiterate, partially blind, or just plain ignorant and don't read the first post thoroughly. It states that the tank has been established for 2 years, and it looks healthy.
No we're just smart and actually do the research when we buy fish...
Sailfin tang max size
- 1 ft 3”
Blue tang max size
- 1 ft
Powder blue max size
- 9”
Naso tang max size
- 1 ft 6”
Emperor max size
- 1 ft 3”
Originally Posted by billabonk http:///forum/post/2612617
tangs are very hardy fish ...
They are hardy when given the correct amount of room to swim. You have not. They are also extremely prone to Ich so I would def go against this statement.
Originally Posted by billabonk
its the way you take care of the fish... doesn't matter how many fish as long they can swim around they should be fine ...
It does matter how many fish you keep, they will not be fine
when they (and they will) outgrow your tank. I've heard of people keeping 1-2 huge fish in too small of tanks and having problems and you have 6 fish that require a 6 ft long tank never mind the 11 other fish. I wouldn't even keep 11 fish in a 90 gallon tank. Your tank is going to end up looking like this one (
Thanks for being so responsible... Let us know when you need to sell the fish when they get bigger


Active Member
unless u plan to move some of ur fish later on, i think its pretty selfish of u to keep all of these fish in a 90 gallon. have u ever thought about what they r going through? its extremely selfish of u to hv ur fish suffer for ur own personal enjoyment. these fish or inverts didnt ask to be caught and be locked in confinement. at least try ur best to make it less stressful for them. if they could talk, i'd bet they r saying get us out of this sh*t hole.