My 90 Gallon reef tank


is that what you would recommend for a 90 gallon reef tank? I have a 90 gallon tnk and want to do a reef set up. I would like to do a lot of brain coral ( that's my favorite) some pylops nothing really hard or stony, just solft. I have been on the computer for the past two weeks looking at lights and prices, and trying to find out what kind of light and how many Watts I need.
Originally Posted by MaTT B
How do you not see anything wrong with these fish in a 90? For one a seahorse should NOT even be in there cause of the flow and I doubt they get enuf food. And then 4 angels/tangs? I am sorry but WTF are you thinking? No matter how big they are NONE of those fish should be in there. And I am sure the sixline and coris wrasse are just best friends (joking)
Ditto, no offense


Active Member
Ok , I just read over your list and 6 tangs is a little extreme.. + one large angel? very brazen of you to go that route... please research more effectively for the welfare of the animals and good luck!
I wouldnt put that many in my 270g...I had 4


Active Member
IMO i don't think any fish of any size wants to be captured and put in a tank matter how large the tanks are..but we still have them in our livingroom, kitchens. bathroom, theatre rooms, closets, etc..


Originally Posted by aquaguy24
IMO i don't think any fish of any size wants to be captured and put in a tank matter how large the tanks are..but we still have them in our livingroom, kitchens. bathroom, theatre rooms, closets, etc..

I love those closet tanks.......It shows that anybody can squeeze in an aquarium in their life, even though their spouses' don't like fish/aquariums