My 90gal Reef! Please Read!!


When I get home tonight (about an hour and a half from now) I am going to take a couple pics of my 90 gallon reef tank. I was wondering if anyone could/would take the time to make some suggestions on how I could make it more of a 'reef'. I will take ALL suggestions seriously, from rearranging rock work to what livestock to buy. All of your tanks look so much better than mine...I think my main problem is that I don't know what to buy or where to put it. I'm having bad luck so far, like the sebae anemone I just bought...he likes to be upside down in my sand bed. Not what I had in mind for him when I bought him.
Pics coming soon!
:help: :needhelp:


Active Member
OK, we'll wait for some pics. :happy:
I do have 1 comment for now, an anenome is a bad choise for a first(or close to first) reef inhabinent. They need very stable conditions and very strong lights. What are you running for lights?


The lighting is still a mystery to me. I bought the whole system used and use the lighting they gave me. I brought one bulb into my lfs and they told me I was fine. I will let you know EXACTLY what they are when I get home (the people that sold me the tank used had 1 light in a box unused). Ummm, what do you mean an anemone is a bad choice for my first tank inhabitant? You mean as far as corals and things? The thing was, the tank CAME with a bubbletip, 2 clowns, and a peppermint shrimp. And so far I've added to that small list: (over the course of a few months mind you)
Haitian pink tip anemone
Florida condi anemone
Sebae anemone
Deep sea yellow
Yellow polyps
Mushroom polyp - green ricordea
Sea pen
100 gallon reef package (snails, hermits etc)
2 camelback shrimp
1 pistol shrimp
1 Coral banded shrimp
1 Sally lightfoot
5 Emerald crabs
1 Purple tang
1 Lemonpeel mimic tang
And I have an order in at my lfs for a yellow watchman goby that will be in tomorrow. Hopefully he will pair up with my pistol shrimp. I would also like to add a scooter blenny. Will the blenny and goby be ok together? They eat pods or something I have read...what if my sand doesnt have enough for them? Can I feed them other things to keep em alive?


Another thing I want to ask is this:
My 2 clowns are false percs (tank raised). Since they are tank raised, it was hit or miss on them kickin it in my anemone's. Is it possible that an anemone will sting a clown? They both go up to my haitian pink tip and rub up against it and then kind of dart away...almost as if they got stung. Then other times they take the tips into their mouths...what is that all about? They literally look like they are trying to suck it down like a worm. :confused: Another thing, is that if my lighting wasnt sufficient for anemones, wouldnt they move UP in the tank? Instead, they move DOWN...I don't get it. :needhelp:


Active Member
I am no anenome guru or anything. But some need to be in the sand and some on rocks. They also need strong lights.
It sounds like your perks are starting to host yours. :joy: Cool.
Are your bulbs long or like a regular bulb that screws in? do they have pins on both sides or one side? It should say the wattage on the bulb also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vtecbro007
i dont think its a good idea to have that many anemones in that tank
True, I didn't want to say it though. They may try to sting each other.


Id be scared one would die kill all the others and release so many toxens into the water the CIA would deam your house a Toxic Waste Center...
but anway... just IMO! :)
but Anemones are great, but keep in mind THE FEWER THE BETTER LOL!


Holy cow...I didn't know that the fewer the better at ALL. I bought the first 2 (pink tip hatian and florida condi) just because it said they were easy to keep and that they had no temperment. I kept them on opposite ends of my rockwork and then got the sebae. When I bought the sebae I even asked if it was ok in my 90 with 2 other anemones and they said yes since they are all of the same species type? Now I dont know...should I bring the sebae back? I trust you guys more than my lfs...and pics are coming. The camera battery is charging. And dont be expecting too much, its a crappy camera I signed out from work. lol


Ok, here are my pics. If you see anything wrong, PLEASE let me know. If something looks like it needs help, or is crappy looking tell me. ANY suggestions are welcome!
Happy reefing!
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


right side cave (and my other deep sea yellow, sebae anemone, hatian pink tip anemone and florida condi anemone. oh and cant forget Rockstar) ;)


my deep sea yellow up close. his polyps very RARELY open up, which means he is not happy right? I try to keep him in a low light area with a slight flow going over him to stop algae from growing on him. another thing that may bother him though is my crabs, they are always climbing on him...I dont know how to stop that...


rockstar loving the hatian pink tip...I'm very surprised 2 tank raised false percs took to my anemones. I'm SO glad they did tho...


one of my emerald crabs hanging out. I have 5, and have heard people say that they don't like them. I don't understand this because I have no issues with mine. they don't bother anything and just eat algae all day long. :D