My 90gal Reef! Please Read!!


Active Member
You're not giving yourself enough credit for the tank; it looks great! I especially like the aquascaping.
The lighting over your tank is power compact (PC), and the bulbs are likely either 55W or 65W (assuming your 90g is a standard 48x18x24).


Active Member
Looks like a reef to me.

Where is the up-side-down seabay???? :confused: They all look healthy to me.
What lights you running???


Active Member
I Like it - it looks better than mine, and your pictures look MUCH better than mine.
I have power compact lights at about 6.5WPG in a 30g. I can keep soft corals, and most hard corals (only one type though, the LPS, not the SPS).
I'd say if you got rid of all but one anenome and put some nice corals in there, and gave it a couple months to mature and the corals to grow in... You'd have more of a "reef".
I think your tank looks great now. The only reason I suggest that is because that is what I thought of mine; just a bunch of rocks and random corals. After a couple months, the corals started to grow in and actually look like a "reef" to me.
Good Luck, keep up the good work!


OK ... 1st get rid of the Camel back shrimp... they are not reef safe...
From another site: "It usually tolerates other shrimp, but may nip at colonial anemones, disc anemones, and soft leather corals. It generally leaves bubble coral and stinging anemones alone."
I agree, trade in the camel back shrimp. Get a Skunk cleaner or a bood red.
I like more rock and inverts/coral and less fish personaly. But your set up looks good. give it some time to grow on U and grow in.


Thanks for the advice, I'm going to bring my camelbacks in and see if they'll give me 2 cleaners instead...would this be a fair trade? Are the cleaners safer? I heard if you have 2 they will set up a 'cleaning station', is this true? lol I can't wait. I pick up my yellow watchman goby tomorrow night and I'm so to come!
Any other suggestions? Fish to add? What corals would you add if I got rid of the anemones? (they have to be hardy enough for my pc lights)


P.S. Would anyone suggest a double star? If not, exactly WHAT star can I have in a 90 gallon reef? My gf really wants MY reef has become HER reef... :rolleyes:


'shrooms, finger leathers, polyps... im not much of a star fan but ive heard that they can be quite desructive if the species is not reef safe... i actually have a sixline wrasse to prevent the little "clam eating" stars from getting anywhere near my clam... oh and ive seen and heard that cleaners aren't completely safe either, my ones used to pick on my polyps, eat bristle worms and they did form a cleaning station and irritated my basslet off so much that if the shrimp came any where near its side of the tank, my basslet would rush up and start nipping the shrimp till it swam back to the other side and its said that they irritate the mantel of clams so i got rid of my cleaners and got my some fireshrimp instead. lol man, my gf also fell inlove with my tank... i really think she only comes by my house to see my tank these days... oh good luck with your tank, its sooo fun setting it up and seeing your reef flourish...


fireshrimp are cooler than cleaners in my opinion and will be perfect with your other fish and shrimp, but im not too sure about the boxing shrimp so can one of the more experianced reefers help me out on that point.


Active Member
I like the tank, looks nice. Anenomes need alot more light than PC. As far as coral choices, you have quite a few easy ones in there, bad part is they are the ones that can spread like wild fire and become a pain....(xenia, yellow polyps) The deep sea gorg's dont do very well in tanks, thats why they are not opening. Try going for a purple frilly or something. I would also add a little more rock, not much though.
Keep up the good work!!


Tank looks great man. I like the rock work. What does the Nudibranch eat. I have been wanting to get one of those but have been scared off by other people saying they only eat sponges and things like that. I didn't want to get one and die within a week.


I actually got 2 nudibranches in my reef package from this site. It pretty much just grazes my glass and rockwork eating algae...ALL day long! But now that you ask, I'll have to do some reasearch and make sure this is enough...


I have had cleaner shrimp with my yellows and have never had a problem... you just have to make sure they Eat.... just like us... if there is no food.... we find food... they do the same. so as long as they are feed they won't attack coral. the one thing with shrimp in general is that they well Steal!!!! if a coral catchs something (Flake, brine...) the shrimp will take it!!!
another thing, your should be ok with any kind of soft coral you and maybe some LPS with your lighting. Remember just about every coral you get comes with a LR so remember to keep space for your coral and it's attached rock


Thanks latino277 for the advice...
And liquidonyx, I go to Eddies on Route 9 in Latham. I'm in there so much, youd think I worked there. I have to go tomorrow and trade in 2 camelback shrimp (if I can catch them ANY TIPS?) and some of my 18 anemones. lol :eek:


OK folks, I brought in my 2 camelback shrimp and the big sebae anemone and got store credit. With the credit, I bought some zoos and leathers, 2 green chromis and 2 more peppermint shrimp as well as a feather duster.
Pics later!
P.S. My deep sea yellow has almost all of his polyps opening up these days!
And let me tell you, catching the first camelback shrimp was cake. I just put a frozen mysis shrimp hunk in a net and placed it in the bottom of the tank. When the shrimps came over walking all over the net feeding, I just lifted it up. ;) The second one saw my maneuver and was very evasive for the next few hours...
Then l I started taking my rock work apart and GOTCHA! haha So needless to say I got store credit and a rearranged tank. Sort of...I tried to get it back to the way it was.
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


New Member
I would just watch the Haitain Anemone. I was missing a couple of fish and had put it down to the Panther Grouper that my daughter had given me for my birthday. That is until I came downstairs the next morning and saw my 2 inch Pajama Cardinal fish sticking out of the anemone. Needless to say both went back to the LFS for store credit.
I would add more live rock but that is my personal opinion. Your corals look great.