My Aggressive 150g Tank


My 150 gallon Aggressive fish tank.
My Fimbriated Moray Eel (Yellowhead Eel)

My Undulated Triggerfish

Pinktail Triggerfish

Clown Triggerfish, Niger Triggerfish, Hippo Tang


Active Member
An Undy and Clown together...How is that going? I babysat an Undy for a bit, he is the meanest, but most entertaining fish I have ever seen. His only Tankmate was a Dragon Moray.
Love the fish you have though.

You have a full tank shot?


Stock list of my fishes so far
Clown Triggerfish (Juv)
Humu Humu Triggerfish (Juv)
Niger Triggerfish
Picktail Triggerfish
Undulated Triggerfish (Returned to my friend's store) Picking on my eel
Fimbriated Eel (Yellowhead)
Porcupine puffer (Juv)
Hippo Tang
Koran Angelfish
Panther Grouper
Fishes I'm waiting for

Bluelined Triggerfish (Juv)
Undulated Triggerfish (Juv)
Green Bird Wrasse
Clown Tang
Fish that died
Blue Spot puffer (parasites)
Maroon Clownfish (Eaten by the Yellowhead) The Maroon was fairly big too.
Also got a video of my puffer blown up after he got bit by my Undulated triggerfish. Gonna post video up soon.


You are already overstocked you should not add ANYMORE at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DKNewYork
Stock list of my fishes so far
Clown Triggerfish (Juv)
Humu Humu Triggerfish (Juv)
Niger Triggerfish
Picktail Triggerfish
Undulated Triggerfish (Returned to my friend's store) Picking on my eel
Fimbriated Eel (Yellowhead)
Porcupine puffer (Juv)
Hippo Tang
Koran Angelfish
Panther Grouper
Fishes I'm waiting for

Bluelined Triggerfish (Juv)
Undulated Triggerfish (Juv)
Volitan Lionfish
Green Bird Wrasse
Clown Tang
Zebra Moray Eel
Some more fish I haven't decided on yet
Fish that died
Blue Spot puffer (parasites)
Maroon Clownfish (Eaten by the Yellowhead) The Maroon was fairly big too.
Also got a video of my puffer blown up after he got bit by my Undulated triggerfish. Gonna post video up soon.
Great fish, but you are about to get a visit from the over stocking police. These fish are going to get huge quickly and your 150 will look like a 20g soon.
Also, that eel will more than likely get more than just your maroon. I have seen them go after 13" puffers and succeed.


Active Member
You may want to suggest getting rid of some fish. You are way overstocked and need more rock.


Maybe I am. I guess I'll just get the triggers and thats it. If anything, I can give the some of the fishes back to my friend's store when they get too big and crowded. He said he will be more than welcome to take any fish. Eventually, I'm going to have an all trigger tank and the fimbriated eel.
At the moment though, they're tiny. Still plenty of space for them now. It's not like they are screaming for space.
I'm also aware of the fact that the eel might get my other fish. My friend has a bigger one. He just said to get bigger fishes.


Active Member
I love the fish you have, but you are really overstocked when these guys grow up. You would need a 350 gallon at least for the fish you currently have. The next Undy you get will be no different from the first one, IMO the Undy is the most aggressive fish in the trade, hopefully you can tell by my avatar, I know this fish. He will eventually kill most of those fish including the Fimby if he wants too. The Blue Line, and the Clown are not a whole lot better, not to even mention the Fimby, whom kills for territory, not just for food.


Active Member
DKNY - I love the idea of housing a bunch of triggers. They are definitly a great type of fish. I just want to make sure you understand that these animals are VERY territorial and each one has the potential of wiping out an entire tank if they are threatened. You have seen what the meanest trigger (the ungulated) will do. The rest are just a matter of time away. You may get lucky and keep them for some time, but one day you will come home and your tank will look like a war zone.
You are correct in that they are juvies right now and the tank seems like it has enough room. But these fish grow at an exponential rate. By this time next year they will be 2-3 times their size.
On the bright side, these fish are tough as hell and can withstand the bite of an eel. I have seen in person a 3 ft. tiger eel snatch up a 5" niger in its mouth and shake it and there was litterally no harm done to the trigger.
Your tang will not be so lucky. If this guy gets threatened too much, watch out, your tank will be infested with ich quickly after.


Active Member
Cool eel video though, looks like he might need a better cave.
Oh and I also saw you were adding a Lion, Lions quickly become Trigger chew toys.


Over stocked there a little bit.You might want to give the hippo tang back.He will be a meal for your yellow head sooner or later.Mine had a maroon And a hippo For dinner in the same day.Good luck with him he will grow pretty quick in that tank with all that food around him.


Thanks alot for all your comments. My friend told me the will be 2x the size in like about half a year. For the most part, I would like to keep the Clown Triggerfish, Niger, Undulated, Bluelined and the Fimbriated. The rest, I'll probably give them back when they all get too big. Also want to keep the porcupine puffer.
I wanted a Undulated (juvenile) so that it can grow up together with the fimbriated and other fishes. But I couldn't wait so I got the bigger one. I loved the Undulated. My favorite triggerfish. That and the Bluelined.
Also the dragon on the wall isn't done yet and has nothing to do with feng shu. Just looks cool. I still have to paint the rest of it's body and shading.