My Aiptasia control


My SPS tank grew an abundance of aiptasia, which seriously encroached on my corals. With much debate, I added a Copperbanded butterfly fish. After a short bout of Ich, controlled and eradicated with the help of a UV sterilizer (which I employ on all 3 tanks on a rotation) the fish did a great job with virtually all but the biggest anemonies. For these, I injected them directly in the oral disc with a slightly high concentrated solution of mixed Kent Kalkwasser solution. The anemonies Quickly expelled their innards, and withered. I had previously tried lemon juice, with the same results, however the weeds regained life and survived. They have not with the Kalk.
The problem was getting the syringes, which eventually was made easy from a diabetic friend, and then having the needle (as thin as it is) sucking up the solution. This was overcome only thru patience, allowing the solution to slowly go up the needle tip.
This is only my (limited) experience in the control of these pests, and I wanted to share.


Depending on the state you live in, you can order needles and syringes though mail order farm supply places. Or if you have a local farm supply store (like CT Farm & Country) you can get them there. :yes: I used to live on a farm and we had lots, but when we moved I threw them out. Could kick myself now since I have an Aiptasia to get rid of! :nope:
Just thought I'd share. :)


You can pick up syringes from your local

like CVS, just pick up the largest gages size so the needles as big as can be. Costs less than a dollar.
Than just becareful because it is a syringe and not the blunt tip ones sold for the trade.
Glad you won your battle! I just had an aptasia introduced from a rock attached to a coral I picked up :( Already spread by the time I noticed it. Kalking away every few days now.


New Member
I've had very good luck with peppermint shrimp eating up the aptaisia. In my previous setup I had a slew of them. I picked up 3 peppermint shrimp and they went to town. On the larger ones, it was entertaining to watch a couple of the shrimp surround the aptaisia and pounce on it at once, you can see them pulling it out of the crevice and eating the aptaisia up. Rare and cool sighting.

tony detroit

Active Member
I run the syringe with the needle removed, this allows you to put a toothpaste consistency mixture on the anemone and it stays there. I fill the whole hole in the rock as well as the head with kalk paste and they are gone the next day. Just blow off flakes that land on your corals as soon as you are done so they do not burn your corals tissue.


Does anyone have a pick to see what these look like? I put some live rock from my LFS store today in my tank and on one of the rocks after about 4 hours in the tank I noticed a very small (about the size of a nickel) little thing that kinda looks like a tiny anemone that probally has about 10 tenticles sticking up.


A search on this board will result in numerous pictures of these animals.
Once you know what they look like, you'll see them everywhere.


However, here's one shot of a bunch. Keep in mind there's a few colour varients, but this is a general likeness.


An added note on my observation of my particular butterfly fish.
It has been a very particular eater... Ignoring any type of prepared food or any fresh introduced food, even live. It has only eaten by way of constant intense grazing of infauna and slowly "harvesting" the aiptasia.
I can easily see how many aquariests have trouble with these fish.