My Algae Scrubber Design


Alright, here it is. built it over the weekend.
A picture says a thousand words. Let me know if you want any further info about any of the pics.



Not any more of an idiot than myself. I knew nothing of them until a few days ago. Still not entirely convinced as to how well they work, but I figured it sounded like an interesting and fun project. Not to mention that members of the forum, who I trust had overall good opinions of the concept. I will keep this thread updated with pics of the progress, and stats of how it effects my water conditions.


Active Member
You mean a Turf Filter. I've thought about trying it out but not sure yet. I perfer the tried and true method but will also follow this thread to see how it goes for you. That's a really creative design... I would never have thought to put it all inside... very discreet.
My only concern would be how hot it gets inside there. the light may turn it into a makeshift heater so I would watch the temp inside it. If you do turn out to have problems with heating, you could get a cheap fan and jerry-rig it in there somehow.