My Anemone and 2 Clown Fish :)

here are a few pictures of my Saddleback Clown fish and my Maroon Clown fish in there Anemone <3... the Maroon is my favorite fish in my tank along with my shrimp who actually lives pretty well with the lionfish... the shrimp will actually get right up on the lionfish and clean the lionfish when this happened I was shocked!!! but here are the pics enjoy :)
it took a few days for the 2 anemone to find there spot and now they have been holding fast to the two spots like no tomorrow :)!!!!

well I am not sure of what these Anemone are called, but my Maroon clown hosted the anemone higher up in the tank (both Anemone I have in the tank are the same species of Anemone), the one that has attached its self to the glass behind the high rock in the tank! here is a larger shot of my tank. the anemone that is not really visible is small right now but in a few hours it will be the size of a football!!!


I just read some of your other thread and wanted to clear things up for you. You DO NOT want your anemone to be bleached. A white (bleached) anemone means it is not healthy. Many people on this site will say that you need to have a well established tank in order to keep anemone's. You say your water paramters are good, but how long has the tank been set up? Lighting is also another important factor in keeping anemone's. I had one survive under power compacts, but he footed at the top of the aquarium, as close to the light as he could. Feeding anemone's is also very important, and I suggest that you do more research on the anemone's you have and what they require.
These two Anemone are not bleached, unless bleached is another term for not white??? these two anemone are green, blue, and brown. The tank has been up for about 4 months, and I had one anemone in there for about 2 months and it did fine, I decided to donate him to my friend because I needed two anemone so my clown fish would not fight over then one anemone in there. So I went out and get two new Anemone which are the ones you see in this tank now. I knew what they were originally but I have forgotten what they were sense I have bought them, they have been eating my damsels THANK GOODNESS! I had 5 in there and now down to one :)... and for the most part the clown fish feed the anemone silversides that I clip to the side of the tank for them to nibble on. I just tested my water again when I read your post and my; Ammonia(0 just did a water change), Nitrite(0), Nitrate(0), high PH (8.2 or brownish), Calcium (375 ish), and alk (not sure how its tested or measured in but the colors matched to what the book said) are all just were they are supposed to be...
Originally Posted by Keri
Aren't the two clownfishes eventually going to start to fight?

eventually I hope not, but now they love each other they pretty much stay on opposite sides of the tank (if you call that love), I think a 75 gal is a pretty good size for 2 clowns of opposite species... My father has two clown fish that he has had for about 3 years and has had no problems yet. the maroon doesnt even leave the anemone I have not seen it leave more than 5 inches away from his anemone.