My anemone still has tentacle problems!

reef diver

Active Member
MY anemone when i got it had relatively small tentaces, and thy meaning about half desintegrated to make the others longer, which is what hapened, i have begun feeding it, and the old tentacles are strting to reappear, it has a healthy dark tan,. green color. ITs a bta, any judge on when weel see an improvement?


Just keep doing what you are might take a yr for your anemone to fully recover. For an anemone to recover its tentacles, you are certainly doing something right. All animals have strong survival instincts...even blobs like anemones.


New Member
when I bought my bubble tip anemone, he looked like one of those saltwater taffees you buy at the candy store. a short tree stump with an oral cavity, no tentacles at all. I have been patiently feeding him cut-up pieces of shrimp for a month, he now looks like one of those plastic shower brushes for your scalp, with plenty of 1/2 inch tentacles.