My aquarium is leaking, HELP!!!!


Active Member
are u sure its leaking, it could be just salt residue from water spalshing out. i have that on my tank too, can u actually see the water coming out?


Active Member
this tank is new for u right? u have the other posts saying ur neighbor gave it to u? its most likely not leaking, wipe it away, and see if its in the same spot in a few hours


Yeah, that kind of looks like dried up salt. Are you sure that's not just some water that got splashed on the glass and left the residue?? I have that all the time (whenever I do any maintenance water drips out from my hands, etc.). You just wipe it off and you're good. Do you see any water leaking???


Active Member
yea looks like salt residue to me. I had the same thing and thought mine was leaking. Wipe it off and check back in a few hours.


you have something called salt creep, i have it to just wipe it away it usually drips from the top or your hood. :D


The good news is that if the area has time to dry out then it's not leaking too fast, so there's time to find the problem and fix it. It's never happened to me, so I'll defer to someone with expertise. But don't panic! :)


Active Member
It looks to me like the water that is forming that salt mark is coming from alot higher on the tank like hopkins6 said. I think I even see 2 little drops in the picture right where the snails shell is. I bet the water has filled the plastic frame on the bottom of your tank and if you don't stop the hood from dripping it will never actually dry.


Thank you for all the good advice - I will try to check the hood and see if there are any other way the water could come from :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Ya, I have noticed that on both of my AGA tanks.
When doing stuff with the tank, water will drip down the sides...and go in-between the glass and the plastic frame. When the water dries, the dried salt residue appears to 'leak' out of the top of the plastic.
Dont think its anything to worry about, unless you have puddles around the tank...then you're safe to freak out.


My tank is leaking the exact same way, from the bottom up. Very small amount, but looks like the pic above daily. I am positive it isn't from the top. What would cause such a small amount from the bottom? Can it get worse?