My aquatic zoo!


Active Member
Well its not made yet but maybe one in the future. As my goal/career in life is to make a aquatic zoo that is mainly a place for breeding sharks and rays. Where people can come and see these fierc looking sharks even in baby form. Also have a room where it has nightmares creature such as morays,lions,octos,ect. The lights would be ververyvery low like a redish color, to set the frightening feeling. And i would be known as The Shark Hunter! Have shows at the zoo of me swimming with and telling about the sharks(think of it sort of like me as "steve irwen" but with sharks and no crocs. So does that sound like a cool career? And would i need to be a math wizz?

My 2nd choice is to be a online fish store, the internet most popular place, and worlds most popular place, to buy fish from. I would go out with my crew and catch fish all over and sell them for pets and i would have fish facts, like what size tank and parameters you need to have this fish and if you dont have it you cant get it.