My bag of salt water mix didnt come with mixing proportions HELP


The brand is Coralife salt, the woman I got my new aquarium from gave me everything that came with it including a tub with one bag (enough to make 50 gallons) however it doesn't tell me anymore than this on the side, it doesn't show mixing proportions anywhere I don't know if they came in instructions that used to be with it or what but does anyone here have this brand and know the mixing proportions? Thank you so much :)


Start with 2 cups for every 5 gallons of fresh water. You'll have to measure the s.g. and adjust accordingly once the salt is mixed with the water.


gotcha, i won't be mixing it till tomorrow since enough of the already cycled salt water survived the move to keep the 75 gal tank about 2/3 rds of the way full. Thanks!


You didn't move a 75 gal. tank 2/3rds full of water,did ya? Most salt mixes are 1/2 cup per gallon. Do like Searcher said,and you'll probably have to add some salt to get the SG up. Are you going with a DSB? Good luck.


I doubt that he moved it with 2/3 of the water. I don't even want to guess how heavy that would be.


directions on the instant ocean is 1/2 cup per gallon of water.


we didnt move it with the water in it, that would equal broken backs and hernias and Im a she my father and his friend helped move the physical glass tank with all the gravel in it which was a task, and we saved 2/3rds of the water via buckets and another aquarium. Thanks for the help guys we got some ozarka water and we're going to mix it up tonight, and put it in tomorrow night around the same time.