Here is my crocea clam!!
Here is my carnation coral. (impulse buy and I am now aware of it survival rate but I will do my best)
Some green shrooms
Some more shrooms and rics
My clam with my frogspawn. I already had the frogspawn but these are my two favorite!!
The clam is on the sand while it attaches it's self to a rock that is under him then up top he goes. These are under the Tx5!!

Here is my carnation coral. (impulse buy and I am now aware of it survival rate but I will do my best)

Some green shrooms

Some more shrooms and rics

My clam with my frogspawn. I already had the frogspawn but these are my two favorite!!

The clam is on the sand while it attaches it's self to a rock that is under him then up top he goes. These are under the Tx5!!