My Blonde Naso Tang has...


like a 1/2 inch by inch mark on his side. Like red looking now. Almost bloody looking. It first started out as white like puss. I thought maybe he scratched his side against a rock or something. Some of my friends think it might be a fungus or other fish attacking him? Any ideas or what medicine I should try. I have not seen any of the other fish attack him. So Now I am thinking it is some kind of fungus?


Staff member
How long have you had this fish?
My 1st guess would be aggression. Keep an eye out for tankmates and see if you note any aggression going on. What other fish do you have, and what size tank?


I have had this fish since fathers Day 3 weeks a go. I have a purple tang pretty layed back, a red sea sailfin Tang does get aggressive once in while, Harlequin, and some other small fish yellow tail damsel, some other kind of small damsel all in a 125 gallon tank.


Staff member
Keep an eye out to see if you notice aggression. Unless you QT the wounded fish, not much else you can do.


I put him in a 10 gallon QT. Has a heater, bubbler and small ph. I am treating him with melafix. Says to treat him with it once a day for 7 days. How long can he be in this 10 gallon QT? Is it unsafe with out any bacteria breakdown like a emperor or something? Or since it is a short time he will be fine?


Staff member
Carp31, was the fish getting worse? Did you notice aggression. Yes, it is unsafe because your QT is not cycled. Please read the FAQ Thread and the posts on QT for some suggestions on seeding a new QT. You will need to be testing water quality frequently and doing water changes daily. You might want to add a bit of sand from your main tank. When you do water changes, use water from your main tank [as long as the water is good quality]. This will help seed your QT with bacteria.