Originally Posted by Fishcake
hey... puffer, a 150 is plenty for a naso tang,
55 is small though.
Try feeding the naso live brine shrimp, it will keep him alive til you find better living arrangements for the fish.
My tank isn't 6ft long, so was advised here not to get one.
Originally Posted by rkmcinvale
Well the Naso has died, tried feeding algae sheets which are already dipped in garlic, shrimp, and kelp flakes. He wouldn't take any. We have decided not to buy anymore Naso Tangs. They are a beautiful fish and I feel bad now because we lost it, but I know for future reference not to own one unless I have a huge tank.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions and comments on this matter.
I am sorry to hear your naso died, they are incredible fish