My Blue Regal tang died today


My Blue Regal Tang Died today for no reason
he was eating and did pretty well
after I went to work for 5 hours and came back
he was under the rock and dead
I cant figure Out why maybe ich some of my tang has
brown things and white spot on there body My tank has been
running for 3 month and I had 2 Percs, 2 Sebae, Powder Blue
and Purple tang Couple days ago I added Flame Angel, JUV Emperor, and Blue Regal tang My tangs never picked on my
blue regal and I didnt found any mark on blue regal tang
my friend was saying he might was drug caught
I ordered this things from Is my fishs gonna
be ok? is there anything I can do? My tank is 90 gallon
and I have 20 gallon sump with Wet/dry and
ETSS Evolution 500 Skimmer 45 lbs Live rocks
Help me plz


jwtrojan is absolutely correct. Your tank isn't even fully cycled yet, and you have way too many fish in there already. If he didn't die from water problems, then he more than likely died due to a disease or aggression, two things which resulted from your overstocking. Sadly it seems that every day we get these same posts. Remove your emperor angel and both of the tangs and let your tank settle in


132% ?
I agree also but i don't know about the 132% part!
You also mentioned ich. I would also either treat the tank or remove all fish that you decided to keep and put them in a QT and try hypo. Keep the fish out of the main tank for at least 30 days or the ich will remain in the tank


I too agree with everyone, blue tangs are very timid fish when first added to the tank without being able to find its own territory could have caused him/her to stress himself/herself to death. I am not one to be a fish police but I think you should either set up a new tank or maybe return them to the LFS.


Active Member
132, well it got attention
in other words, i more than completely agree with everything he said.


Active Member
I get passionate about such threads myself (though maybe no one notices :D). No worries. I think that it means that there is a serious 'lets not tip toe around here' problem.
On the issue at hand:
I wholeheartedly agree that it is somewhat pointless to try and treat for ick, because the stressor is very clearly a number of issues that will not be addresses by medication or hyposalinity:
Overcrowding territorial and timid fish
Water quality (what are the nitrites at, and the pH is way way up there)
I see you bought these fish online, which presents a problem (also it is one of the reasons I don't much care for online fish buying- people are critical of LFS for not asking enough questions or selling fish to overcrowded tanks, but online buying generally means that none of these questions will be asked either). Now you have to find a local fish store that will take them in trade. Sometimes that is tough if you are not a regular customer.
But I would try, real hard, to find a store that will take them. Otherwise, you will DEFINITELY lose a lot more fish. The odds are, IMO, 100%. The powder blue may go next. Or the large angels.
What and how much/often are you feeding?
Get a nitrite reading ASAP.


Active Member
Can I be the first to say 'poor luckyk0505'.
Altho the guys are right, lets be a little sensitive here. Im sorry you lost your fish and sadly yes, you may lose more if you dont get them out quick. I hope this is a learning curve for you because we have all made expensive mistakes in the past!
Its very easy to get caught up in the excitement of this hobby and you want the best tank immediately, sadly doesnt work like that, it takes patience. Apart from being overstocked you picked some quite picky fish who do a lot of moaning if everything isnt exactly how they want it!
Well as we say in England, chin up, cant get any worse if you act quickly. Lets make the best of the situation and move on.
Talk to some of the experts on here (feel free to be flattered Ophiura!), as they know best.
Hope everything works out, keep us posted, and if you could give us info on nitrite levels, maybe even a pic (always helps me to have a visual :) ) and we will do what we can!
Tim :cool:


Active Member
Sorry fshhub and jwtrojan44 can be flattered to, just my paths seem to cross with ophiura quite a lot recently !


fshhub - just messing with you. 132 is just an odd number to use for that and i thought it was funny.
As for treating the fish i missed the brown spots part and saw ich. I completely agree that it would be hard to get a QT big enough for the fish considereing the tank isn't even large enough. Since i was under the asumption that he did have ich i figure that it is still best to treat them all or remove them all anyway until things are cleared up even if that means taking most to a lfs.


Enough said about the 90 and all of the tangs. I agree, ah, 132% I guess. :D
What about the 60 gallon tank with three triggers? Isn't that an aweful lot of biolode for the tank?