My blue tang has pop-eye...HELP!


New Member
I jusy noticed that my blue tang now has pop-eye.
I did a water change yesterday.
I have just initiated a hyposalinity I am not down (in salinity) very far yet.
should I medicate now during hypo or wait a few days to see if it gets better?
Any info would be much appreciated!


Active Member
Are you hypoing for ich? Popeye is usually caused by poor water conditions or physical damage such as running into a rock. If your only issue is popeye you need to keep water quality high and feed often with garlic and selcon added, it'll go away on it's own.


New Member
I am waiting for my ammonia results will post paprameters as soon as it is done
yes, I am hypoing for ich...could the pop-eye be from the fish rubbing against the rocks?
I saw that the med of pop eye is antibiotics...wont that wipe out me beneficial bacteria too?
so...I should feed wiith garlic, I did read that in Beth how to post. I will get some and do that today...I read that I mash it but was unclear as to whether or not I just put the food into the juice and then feed or if the mashed garlic gets fed to the fish as well..that seems like a awful lot of garlic compared to the mount of food that I feed.
Your main problem right now is to deal with the ick. Are all of your fish qt? In order to get rid of ick the dt has to be empty for 6 weeks. The only effective way to get ride of ick is to remove the host. Pop-eye is ussually just a sign of stress and will not greatly affect the fish as long as the conditions are good and it is being fed well.


Staff member
Is this a new fish. Netted fish are extremely prone to popeye, however, so are fish with ich. Is it a cloudy eye, or is the actually popped?


New Member
yes all of my fish are in qt....the tang is not new however it is the one that the ich was first seen we have netted it to move it from one tank to seems to see okay (to eat and all)....they do look a bit cloudy.
how do I know if it it pop eye or cloudy eye?
I appreciate your help!


New Member
so....I have finally got my salinity down...I was kinda hoping that by the time I got it down the fish would show no long (once you are down to 1.009) does/ should/ could it take for the white spots to go away.
my tang is still the worst in terms of spots and the cloudy/pop eye thing but I think (I hope that I am not just hoping here) that its eyes are looking better...they still look a little cloudy but I think the extent of the buldge has gone down a little.
any of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.


Originally Posted by toomanyhobbies
so....I have finally got my salinity down...I was kinda hoping that by the time I got it down the fish would show no long (once you are down to 1.009) does/ should/ could it take for the white spots to go away.
my tang is still the worst in terms of spots and the cloudy/pop eye thing but I think (I hope that I am not just hoping here) that its eyes are looking better...they still look a little cloudy but I think the extent of the buldge has gone down a little.
any of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Cloud eye is just a white film over the eyes. With popeye, they actually stick out from the eye socket. The eyes are swollen. Both are easily fixable. Your water readings are good. Now is the time to boost your fish's immune system BIG TIME. What do you feed them now? Feed frozen formula foods dosed in vitamines at every meal. Look at Beth's Common Treatment FAQ for medicinal garlic. Crush your own fresh garlic to add to at least one meaty meal per day. Garlic is awsome for parasites. A high immune system is what you want right now. If you just got to 1.009 then your fish are likely to get attacked hard within a day or two as the parasites struggle to attatch. If your tang is already covered, then go to the lfs tommorow and pick up a bottle of Methylene blue. Syphon some of the qt water into a bucket and add him in. As long as the water is aerated and kept warm enough, he can stay in there for hours. It will knock a lot of the parasites off of him. ONLY use methylene in a bucket. I used to use it at my store, where I could not quarantine. It works great.