my boxer crab??


New Member
I was able to buy a boxing crab about a month ago. He did not come with any anemones. He has since molted and to my surprize he now has huge anemones on both claws!!! I have no corals or anemones in my tank, but do have live rock. My tank has only been going for about 2 months now. Where did those anemones come from??? I only have a 12 gallon tank, I didn't think that anemones could survive in there??


Active Member
He might have found some glass anemones (Aiptasia) or some other hitch hiker anemones on your LR. These sorts of anemones are quite different in their needs, as demonstrated by the fact that they lived while the rock was being shipped and cured. Beware, they may not be particularly "good" anemones, so you may want to get a picture if you can.


New Member
My boxer decided to rip a piece of my lettuce slug off and use for an anemone. Anyone ever have one do that?