my boxer crab

fish fever

Are these crabs safe to keep with pistol shrimp? I want to get one but afraid that the pistol shrimp in my nano will have it for lunch.


I have no idea about that one. I know my pistol shrimp made a quick meal out of a peppermint shrimp that I had. How big's the pistol?


Active Member
Those are the flippin cutest!!! I want one so bad now. Good for a nano? Don't really know alot about them but swf never has them in and I have to order online.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Those are the flippin cutest!!! I want one so bad now. Good for a nano? Don't really know alot about them but swf never has them in and I have to order online.
Great for a nano. That way you can find it better too :)
Good luck trying to get one from I have been on the mailing list FOREVER and when they finally got one in it was gone before I could buy it. lol


just another updated pic of the boxer.. i cant believe she still has her pom poms!! :cheer:
its been almost a month. she must have molted by now!!


Active Member
Your lucky yours comes out so much! I moved mine to my 20 gallon but I still hardly ever see it.


its kind of wierd. i have lots of rock work and i see it pretty much daily!
and the anemones are still with it!
how long did it take for yours to lose them alyssia?


Active Member
Originally Posted by shrmnator
its kind of wierd. i have lots of rock work and i see it pretty much daily!
and the anemones are still with it!
how long did it take for yours to lose them alyssia?

IDK, when I put the boxer in it had the anemones. The next time I saw it was about 4 months later and it didn't have them anymore. I just saw him again a few days ago and I was able to catch him and put him in my 20 gallon.


Active Member
wow i hate boxer crabs. my uncle bought one and a few weeks later it started to damage the frogspawn and other soft coral. that would be the only thing abe to do that. he has a hippo tang an emporer angel and a fir shrimp. also a powder blue. do u also think it might be that.


fish are known to eat corals! its all part of the food chain! inverts can do it too, but usually only if they are dying to begin with. fish will eat a perfectly live coral though!


I want one of these so bad......My tank right now has 2 clown, a blue tang, yellow tang, cleaner Shrimp, and a diamond gobby. I don't have any coral yet...just live rock. Can I put one of these cuties in already or should I wait.


I have two boxer crabs and neither one have anemones on their claws anymore. I expected them to clip the anemone in the tank to get new ones but as of yet that hasn't happened. Does anyone know that they will regain anemones?


i dunno if its a certain type of anemone that they carry, but mine STILL carries hers! Same ones since I purchased it! Got her for $10 at the lfs! I am not too sure why SWF lists them as being "rarely ever available to the hobbyist"


It took my LFS 3 weeks to get one for me at 20 dollars. I put the tiny little creature in my 29 gallon. I saw him 2 times about a month ago and havent seen him since. I even re did some of my rock work and still havent seen him. I think my brittle star might have ate him?
Im getting rid of that brittle star if he did so I can get a new boxing crab. Do you thing the brittle might have done this?


Active Member
It is possible, but I rarely see my boxing crab and I have 11 brittlestars in a 45 g. Now and then though - typically after dark - I do see it.
Without knowing more about your tank and the situation, it is hard to know. Brittlestars are implicated, unfairly, in a lot of things. Personally, I think it is unlikely. If it is a green brittlestar, it is a possibility certainly - but what do you feed the brittlestar?


I had my boxer crab for quite awhile but he has gone MIA and I haven't seen him in about a month now. Like Ophiura said, I used to see mine on a regular basis. I knew his little hide out spots so I could always hunt him down to make sure he was ok, plus I almost always saw him running around when I fed the tank. I'm not sure what happened to him
I saw reminents of him around the time he disappeared but assumed he molted. Now I'm thinking maybe he didn't....