My BTA split!!!


New Member
I have had a bubble tip anemone for about a year. It has always done well! It is the first one I've been able to keep for an extended period of time. Last week it split in two! They apparently reproduce by vertical cloning. I am glad to report that I now have two great-looking anemones!


Active Member
Splitting nems are a sign of stress, It is mearly trying to survive sensing death.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
Splitting nems are a sign of stress, It is mearly trying to survive sensing death.
I agree, but only to a certain extent. A anemone can split for many reasons, some as simple as a water change that had differing temperatures or slightly different ph. I would monitor the situation closely but I don't think its time to sound the alarm yet.


Originally Posted by mie
Splitting nems are a sign of stress, It is mearly trying to survive sensing death.

Over reacting a little??
It is impossible to make this judgement without seeing it. It maybe at deaths door or may be fine.
Yes, stress is the most common trigger for cloning but I would not be too concerned with 1 split in a years time. Something such as slight change in PH, SG, or temp etc. Some report a large water change will trigger a split, it need not sense impending death to clone. They do also split because that is how they reproduce, it is thought (from everything I have read) that they split in our aquariums more often from stress.


Active Member
I had one split about 6 months ago, I am guessing after a little heat wave...After which I bought a chiller. Glad to say though both are still just fine.


Originally Posted by Lmecher
Where's the photo??

thats funny i just posted pix before i saw this thread any way i have one that split once over a two year period on the other hand I have the rose anemone that every time it reached a certain size it just split which happed about ten times in the same two years. at the beginning I was toled it can also be from over feeding.