My Bubble Coral has shrank


New Member
When I put my bubble coral in about 1 year ago the bubbles were huge and healthy. Now part of the bubbles have disappeared and the others have just gotten extremely small. If someone could give me help and tell me why this is happening it would be much appreciated. Thnx
Tank Size:65
Salinity: 1.021
Lighting: 150w Metal Halides with power compacts
I've been adding coral vite every 3 days.
I do water changes every 2 weeks.


Active Member
You need to post more information here. Tank size, water chemistry, salinity, calcium levels, alk lighting...dosing if any... this will help diagnose any issues.


well i havea really low lighting system in my tank just artics and pcs 65w's and its at the top of the tank and seems to be thriving. it is place where it gets a nice chunk of food everytime i feed the tank. Does yours get feed enough? do u hand feed it or see it get food when feeding the tank? bubble coral doesnt like very strong lighting but medium. if u have strong lighting is ur bubble coral in the lower half of ur tank?


Active Member
why is your SG so low? i would raise it up to 1.025ish.
JMO, not saying thats causing anything.


Active Member
Salinity is low for a reef tank. 1.024 to 1.026 is ideal IMO. You need to test your Ph, alk, nitrates and post results here. All these can factor into what might be happening.


New Member
Originally Posted by Alex4286
well i havea really low lighting system in my tank just artics and pcs 65w's and its at the top of the tank and seems to be thriving. it is place where it gets a nice chunk of food everytime i feed the tank. Does yours get feed enough? do u hand feed it or see it get food when feeding the tank? bubble coral doesnt like very strong lighting but medium. if u have strong lighting is ur bubble coral in the lower half of ur tank?

How do I feed my bubble coral, and I think your right about it getting too much light. I'm going to move it lower in my tank.


Active Member
My first though would be not enough light. Most Bubbles like a lot of it. I do not think you should move it down. Also slowly raise the salinity like others said too .021 is too low. Good Luck with him..............