my BUTTON POLYPS never seem to open up, maybe just a few, I have enough lights and I checked the water, and everything is fine, I don't know what to do i have a 60 gal and my polyps are at the bottom of the tank sitting on some rocks, does anything think they should be higher, closer to the light? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


you are going to want to consider either get more lr or less scooter blennies. they will pick clean all the copopods on that amount of lr quite quickly and then starve. I have 3 in a 135 and i think that is pushing it. you can add pods to a tang, also setting up a refugium would help. they are great little fish but all dragonettes are very picky eaters.
as for the buttons . . . try placing then higher and out of direct current. mine grow just about anywhere and any current, but they took a while to get established.


Active Member
I keep mine in the middle of the tank and the are always opened. I have one group of yellow polyps and a good sized sea mat.


better yet you can go to LFS that sells good LR & probably purchase LR rubble from the bottom of thier curing tank that should have plenty of pods in it or if you know a fellow local reef hobbyist, you can ask if you may get some of thier pods to add to your tank
What does pods have to do with anything? The blennies haven't even been in the show-tank for more than 3 weeks now because they are with the clowfish in the QT tank because of an ich break-out. And within the period that the blennies haven't been in the tank, only a few of the polyps have opened up (which they normally do anyway), but besides that thier behavior hasn't changed.
What does pods have to do with anything? The blennies haven't even been in the show-tank for more than 3 weeks now because they are with the clowfish in the QT tank because of an ich break-out. And within the period that the blennies haven't been in the tank, only a few of the polyps have opened up (which they normally do anyway), but besides that thier behavior hasn't changed.


I am having a similar problem with my star polyps and what I have noticed is the hermits using the rock as a roadway to get to another rock and it is always in the same spot they cross.The only other thing I can think of is have you done a huge water change or tried raising your ph.If you raise your ph sometimes they will close and open up after a few days.Polyps are really hardy they will probably be ok.


Active Member
You may want to check your water parameters, amm. trites, etc. My polyps were the first ones to react to my crash when it happened. I didn't know any better then but I'll definitely use them as a baramoter to "check" if something has gone out of wack.
Just a thought!
Good Luck!


New Member
This may not be a lighting issue. I have a few different types of button polyp. Some require less light than others. I had some that turned almost white, not long after putting them in the tank and they spread down away from the light. The colors are fine in the more shaded area. On the other hand I have noticed others that will stretch toward the light if they are shaded. A little too much or not quite enough, they all still opened. If your water is ok then look to see if they are being stung by a hidden aiptasia anemone(been there) or bothered by crabs or fish.