My Chemical Levels


Ok its been 8 days and my chemicals are as follows
Ph: 8.2
I'm using two damsels and i'm just tryin to get my lion as soon (and safe) as possible.


I've done alot (i mean hours) of research and talked to probly 5 or 6 ppl from LFS and if i get a lion (of any type) as a baby, less than 2 inches, it can go in a 30 and will not attempt to "out grow" its tank. and thanks


Active Member
I dont think that will happen. Most saltwater fish are not restricted in space as to freshwater fish so they grow no matter what. Freshwater fish on the other hand are restricted to the space of the stream creek pond or whatever and over the millions of years have learned or designed to grow to there space. A good example, My grandpa has a pond he stocked with crappie. They were in there for two years and we went fishing. There were a butt load of tiny ones and only a handful of big ones. There was to many for the pond so the new ones just stopped growing. In saltwater there used to billions of gallons and dont have restrictions.
I know some saltwater fish will do as freshwater fish. But I would research with someone who keeps them to find out for sure.