My clam has broken hinge


Active Member
I will call it a hinge here since i dont know of another term for it. On its lower back side it looks as if the shell has a very hard spot that connects the 2 main shells.
Anyways this piece of shell/bone is broken and my clam is having trouble opening up all the way because it kinda opens up sideways.
Anyone seen this before? any advice? will this bone reconnect?


Active Member
If you are talking about the opposing end from where the foot comes out, under it's outcurrent syphon - then you are most likely talking about it's ligament.
Are you sure it just broke off? The only reason I ask is because there is a condition that causes this "back ligament" to slowly erode away until it is gone. But that is a VERY VERY VERY seldom seen problem. IF you can lift the clam up without injuring it or stressing it out too much (IE: If it's attached, don't try it), you MIGHT want to see if any bubbles come up or if there are bubbles embedded where it looks like the ligament is gone.
If there aren't any bubbles and none form or the ligament stops or isn't eroding, then it will most likely just grow back. Now keep in mind that it MAY not grow back normally and be fully functioning, but as long as the clam is alive.....


Active Member
it doesn't look like anything is missing. I can clearly see a crack where something is broken. Im wondering if some hot glue would hold it so it could regrow and still allow him to open. As is right now im doubting it will regrow because when he opens is shell slides sideways and the broken pieces are not even touching.


Active Member
I've used super glue gel before with a similar problem, you just have to make sure it's SUPER GLUE GEL! You just have to make sure none of it goes inside of the clam (if you do it under water it will harden quicker). It works like glueing a frag to a plug. It becomes completely hard and allows the frag to grow over the glue, or in this case under. But keeps any predators out. If you try to "hot glue" it, you will most likely cook something in it's body cavity.
Especially on this situation, I AM NOT responsible for anything that happens.


New Member
Hey CC--
you mentioned there was a "VERY VERY VERY" rare condition in which the hinge ligaments eroded away.... My derasa seems to very recently have developed this, and it concerns me greatly because nothing to my knowledge has changed in my tank. What is the name of this condition? I couldn't find anything through Google, which is strange.
It came to mind because quite literally I noticed it two days ago, because the clam would retract into its shell, and began falling off the rock into the sand. It would then partially open sideways, but not fully--in all honesty, it would open fully on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday I noticed my clam falling, Thursday as well. On Friday I picked it up again and noted the shell halves sliding around in my hand a bit. The clam still reacts to light properly, but can only open to about half its normal width and cannot stay attached to any substrate whatsoever, nor can it open very well for water flow.
Is there ANYTHING I can do besides buy another clam? Literally this clam has been very healthy since I purchased it about 7 months ago, in fact it's grown to almost 3 times its original size in that time with little food addition to the tank.
I have NO idea what caused it or what is going on. Frankly it kinda scares me.


Active Member
I have been studying diseases A LOT lately over the last few months. I have not come across many "remedies" that work for any infections in clams. If they do, it might only be temporary and some other ailment may take out the clam at a later time.
That being said, I have had luck with some of the WEIRDEST stuff that would usually kill clams. I do NOT recommend this stuff; I just know that I have seen some clams survive it while others died within hours. Malachite Green (Paraguard) and Metrodinazole (Seachem), have both shown promise. The clam just needs to be placed in a seperate tank with NOTHING else in it but maybe some sand. There really is no telling what effect it may have on other tank inhabitants.
The last option that I have done when a ligament has been shattered or started to fall apart, is use a piece of raincoat type material (PVC plastic). Once again, I do not recommend this, but have had THIS work 100% of the time. I superglued the material along where the back hinge should be, making sure to leave enough room for the clam to open and close (stretch). It protects the back opening for the most part and stabalizes it.


New Member
I will call it a hinge here since i dont know of another term for it. On its lower back side it looks as if the shell has a very hard spot that connects the 2 main shells.
Anyways this piece of shell/bone is broken and my clam is having trouble opening up all the way because it kinda opens up sideways.
Anyone seen this before? any advice? will this bone reconnect?
Did your clam survive. Because mine has same problem after a yearin my reef tank
27421"]I will call it a hinge here since i dont know of another term for it. On its lower back side it looks as if the shell has a very hard spot that connects the 2 main shells.
Anyways this piece of shell/bone is broken and my clam is having trouble opening up all the way because it kinda opens up sideways.
Anyone seen this before? any advice? will this bone reconnect?[/QUOTE]
My clam has same problem. I was wondering if yours survived.