Hey CC--
you mentioned there was a "VERY VERY VERY" rare condition in which the hinge ligaments eroded away.... My derasa seems to very recently have developed this, and it concerns me greatly because nothing to my knowledge has changed in my tank. What is the name of this condition? I couldn't find anything through Google, which is strange.
It came to mind because quite literally I noticed it two days ago, because the clam would retract into its shell, and began falling off the rock into the sand. It would then partially open sideways, but not fully--in all honesty, it would open fully on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday I noticed my clam falling, Thursday as well. On Friday I picked it up again and noted the shell halves sliding around in my hand a bit. The clam still reacts to light properly, but can only open to about half its normal width and cannot stay attached to any substrate whatsoever, nor can it open very well for water flow.
Is there ANYTHING I can do besides buy another clam? Literally this clam has been very healthy since I purchased it about 7 months ago, in fact it's grown to almost 3 times its original size in that time with little food addition to the tank.
I have NO idea what caused it or what is going on. Frankly it kinda scares me.