My Clams


Active Member
This is my 55 which will be tore down in a couple weeks. I have 3 x 110 watt VHO and 2 x 55 watt PCs. I am moving everything in this tank to a new 120 with 2x 400 watt MH and 2 x 110 watt actinics.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Man, your clams are so cool!!!! I would love a bright blue maxima like yours :)There is a blueish-green crocea here at a LFS that is calling me but I'm too scared it won't make it under VHOs.


Nice, I recently got a nice maxima. It is black with purple dots on it. The black is almost translucent. Very cool looking, thanks martin. I also have a squamosa. I keep the maxima under a 250w mh in my 26 and the squamosa in the 55 under 285w of vho and a 175w mh. I may have to move the maxima down the road but it is only 2 inches right now.


Active Member
I got the maxima from and it is doing great under my VHOs. The crocea has been doing great also although they both will go under mhs in a couple of weeks. Is funny though b/c the maxima looks flouresent green from the top.

yosemite sam

Active Member
How long have you had the crocea? Has it been growing well? Sorry to be nosey but how much did you pay for it. The one here is 4-4.5" long and is $70. If you've had good success with it under VHOs, I may really think about getting the one here:D


Active Member
I have had it about 2 months maybe a little more. I don't know if it has grown but it comes out everyday and is very reactive to light and shadows. It has all the color it had when I got it and to me it seems like it has gotton more color. I keep it as close to the top as I can. My LFS was selling it for $69, I paid like 30 and traded in some frogspawn frags. Its about 4 inches across give or take.


Active Member
Whats weird is that the lines you see in the crocea when you view it from the top strech from one end to the other up and down.