My cleaner shrimp is "pregnant"


I just noticed that one of my cleaner shrimp is carrying eggs
is there anyway i can successfully raise them? its other tankmates are 2 more cleaner shrimp hermit crabs and an anemone. ive got a quarantine tank as well but it doesnt have a light?


Originally Posted by vivioo7
I just noticed that one of my cleaner shrimp is carrying eggs
is there anyway i can successfully raise them? its other tankmates are 2 more cleaner shrimp hermit crabs and an anemone. ive got a quarantine tank as well but it doesnt have a light?
No, I don't think you will be able to. They will just be food for the rest of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vivioo7
I just noticed that one of my cleaner shrimp is carrying eggs
is there anyway i can successfully raise them? its other tankmates are 2 more cleaner shrimp hermit crabs and an anemone. ive got a quarantine tank as well but it doesnt have a light?
If they hatch and you are lucky enought to be around. Scoop them in a fine net and place them in one of those hanging nylon baskets (~8X5") on the side of your tank. Put some small rubble in there with some cheato.


Active Member
Very tough, but not impossible. If you don't have any fish in your tank and manage to catch them just as they have hatched, you may keep them alive for a while.
That raises a question, what do the new hatchlings eat?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Very tough, but not impossible. If you don't have any fish in your tank and manage to catch them just as they have hatched, you may keep them alive for a while.
That raises a question, what do the new hatchlings eat?


Active Member
i would say initially you can treat them like rotifers, so i would think that you can start them off on a live phytoplankton culture then from there i dont know. Good luck if you try


Active Member
If you buy little mini barbless (fly fishing shop, like size 10s) hooks and using fish line, you can attach a piece of raw shrimp to it and wait for the pregnant shrimp to take the hook. VERY SLOWLY (as to not hook the shrimp), bring it to the surface and grab it with a net. Last time my cleaner shrimp was pregnant, I was on a stool from 9 pm till 11 am. SO get prepared for a long night if you want to get it out. The only cool thing is that they seem to be the most aggressive when it comes to lights out feeding.
Also, I don't even know if you have any rock in your tank. But most fish arent going to mess with your hand in the tank let alone a hook after lights out. But thats why you use a small barbless hook. If you hook a fish, just hope it falls right off.
Coral Frenzy is a better food because of the Micron range. That stuff gets SMALL! But there is no reason why a quarantine tank shouldn't work as long as the parameters are the same. If they aren't, the shells will become extremely soft and fall apart.