my clown bit my hand!! help


i was rearranging some rocks in my tank and every other time i put my hands in my tank my two nemo clowns come up eager to see whats going on BUT THIS time they wanted my hand OUT,. SO the bigger one starting attacking my hang and eventually she bit me!!!! nipped me and it hurt what is with that, i jus thought they were curious but man oh man! i still love em but has this happend to anyone else.. should i put them down? lol


my gsm always nips at my hand, especially when it gets near "his" anemone. but it's never hurt. they must mean business.

michelle l

I had one once who bit me hard enough to leave a little mark that lasted for a while. They aren't joking, you're tearing up their territory!


As clown fish get older they get more aggresive. Yours are just protecting their anemone. You have to kind of get use to it. It startles me every time mine nip at me. I try to be prepared but I still kind of jerk when I get hit. Don't worry, your clowns are not really mean---just normal.


Active Member
Mine has drawn blood from me when they have eggs in there. I have put the FM in a net a few times when I had to do work inside the tank. Some times she swims right into the glass try to get at me.


Wear some kinds of gloves when your hands are inside the tank. This way you won't get bit, you won't bring anything nasty into the tank, and the tank won't make you sick ('cause it can!)


great advice guys, thanks, yall are right, its either gloves or nothing, im kinda affraid of them now lol.! never thought id say that :scared: :scared: