my clown is a brat...


and it wont host to my long tentacle coral (see pics in the 37 gallon tank) any suggestions as to how to get it to host? what picture (Are there any, someone has had success with?) Help?


Active Member
some just wont take to the anemone as a host. some may take many weeks to notice-- if it is an LTA, the anemones that bury their foot in the sand, then it will eventually find it


Active Member
HOsting is hit or miss. Aqua cultured clowns are less likely to host than wild ones.
The only real thing i've heard that works from time to time is taping a picture of a similar looking clown (looks like them) hosting an anemone that looks like the one you have. Keep that posted for a few weeks and see if that helps.
IMO you have a 50/50 chance of having it host. Your anemone and clown will be completely healthy and happy not hosting.
my clowns is aquaculture an it hosted my blue carpet anemone, i think you just need a little patience, my clowns took like 6 months to host,but it was worth the wait


rod buehle

As a clownfish breeder that has put thousands of tank raised fish with anemones to see them host quickly, I say poppycock to the people that say they are less likely to host.
I have heard that the pic method works well. The reason it works is not because they are playing copy-cat, but more-so that they feel threatened by the new fish that someone added to their surroundings.


i know they say patience is a virtue ... but having a bta anemone for about 6 weeks now with my false percs (tank bred) not even giving it the time of day is a little annoying :-( ... I guess I'll have to wait ... keeping my fingers crossed.


thanks for the feedback everyone.. guess its just gonna be a waiting game. I will try to find a decent picture and post it up, if nothing else it will feel like im trying hahaha.. its such a nice looking coral i just thought it would be cute if little "nemo" would hang out in it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
As a clownfish breeder that has put thousands of tank raised fish with anemones to see them host quickly, I say poppycock to the people that say they are less likely to host.
I have heard that the pic method works well. The reason it works is not because they are playing copy-cat, but more-so that they feel threatened by the new fish that someone added to their surroundings.
I totally agree here. I've had my clowns for about 5 years, and they've hosted everything from devil's hand leather to zoas to mushrooms, and are now hanging their hats at home in a mushroom leather...and yes, they are aquacultured. My daughter has a pair that finally figured out who was going to be who and are hosting a beautiful colony of blue mushrooms...aquacultured as well.
I've also heard of posting a picture for them. Never had to seems once they figure out who's male and who's female, they settle in just fine to anything.
Good luck with yours.