My Clown Is Dead


I just put my first "real" fish in my 55 gallon reef. I have two damsels left after the cycle. I woke up this morning to find the two hermits devouring my brand new, $25 percula. I thought that maybe he had died and they ate his dead corpse but all of my water parameters are fine. I went back to the fish store and the guy said that the crabs could have eaten it while the clown was asleep. He said it is rare but does happen. Does this sound feasable? I am going to take the two damsels and two hermits back for credit, buy a new percula, and buy the "No Claws" cleanup crew from this site. If, of course, the crabs really did eat the fish.


The crabs most likely didn't kill your fish. They were just doing their job and cleaning up. I would demand that the fish store give you another perc to rplace that one. Any good store would do that if it has only been 24 hours. If he doesn't go to another store.
PS Keep the hermits they are fine. I have 40 blue/red/scarlet/sally/emeril etc and my clowns are fine.


aw i had the same thing happen to me the other day, my clown just died for no reason at all...very sad...all the permeters are fine...i don't know what happened...


You can Almost be sure that you hermits didnt eat your clown..They may have been munching After the fact, but I doubt if they "attacked" the Clown in its sleep....If the clown was healthy and able to get away..Its most certainly would...
I agree, I would ask for a refund for sure...
~Susie ;)


I acclimated him by floating the bag for about 20 minutes then I opened the bag and let him swim out. I do not have a quarantine tank, all of my money right now has gone into the reef tank. I am planning on setting one up in the near future but cannot now. I did not observe the fish at the lfs. They are usually sold within 2-3 days. The shipment came on Wednesday and when I went in today (Friday) they were out of clowns. I had to preorder this one to make sure I would have it. I have seen no wounds on the carcass. The tank lives at my girlfriend's house and her brother said that he saw the fish swimming on its side. So I will go back to the lfs tomorrow and ask to order a new one. Someone said that if they refuse to give me a refund/exchange to go somewhere else. The only other fish stores around are at least an hour away. If I do get a chance to go, how well do they do fish do on road trips? Thank you all very much for your help.


Honey Beatle... :)
No matter how hard it may seem, after you acclamate, try NOT to let any other tank water into your tank, IMHO you are asking for trouble that way....Who knows whats in the bagged water, not to mention any gasses etc...If you possibly can, get a fish net, and scoop your items out,
It could save you ALOT of heartache further down the line...
Sorry about your loss..


Okay, thank you you for that input, Anthem. How do I match the salinity when there is not even enough water to put a hydrometer in in the bag that the fish is? I feel very ignorant. I thought I knew at least enough to start out with but I can't even acclimate correctly. I'm just going on what the lfs man told me.


New Member
Sorry to hear about your loss, sometimes stuff like this just happens, specially with Perc's, by the way did he get a filmy substance growing over his skin?

dave flood

I had maroon clown (2 months) found him looked chewed up at the bottom of carpet anemone & looked to be small peice in carpets mouth. I also have chicolate chip starfish who is suspect. any thoughts on this?


If you're going to have a saltwater tank you might as well get used to death.It's bound to happen sometimes for no apparent reason. I've had salt tanks for about 8 years now and I realize sometimes it just happens and you're never going to know why. However, if something died that soon after bringing it home, it probably had something wrong to begin with. Unless of course the quick acclimation had something to do with it.
same i have 15 hermits in my tank with a black perc,firefish and a orange spotted filefish(which is doing great everyone) and the firefish are known to sleep right on the rock and sand but none of my hermits ever ate any of my fish.