My clown is developing ick.


I think my clown is developing ick. I can see two or three white spots on him. If it develops I'm planning on using hyposalinity to treat it. Since I do not have a quarentine/hospital set up, here is what I think might work,let me know your thoughts;
20G display with LR/LS
DIY protein skimmer
fluval 304.
I think the tank can be maintained with only the LR/LS and an additional penguin filter for mechanical filtration.
Then I will use the fluval with all its media and water from the tank to avoid the cycle on the hospital tank and do the hypo.


Just one clown (Percula), other inhabitants are one fire shrimp, 4-6 blue legs and 5 snails that burrow themselves in the sand.
Not so sure it's ick anymore. I will be on top of this. If I have to do the hypo, would I avoid cycle if I use the fluval on the hospital and keep the tank with a penguin HOB?