My clown is not exactly eating


I have 2 clowns and one eats fine but the smaller one bites it and spits it out. Is he just being picky? I am feeding them frozen 'Mysis Shrimp'. Will he eventually get hungry enough to eat or should i try a different kind of food? Thanks.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by topofsteel
I have 2 clowns and one eats fine but the smaller one bites it and spits it out. Is he just being picky? I am feeding them frozen 'Mysis Shrimp'. Will he eventually get hungry enough to eat or should i try a different kind of food? Thanks.
what kind of clowns ?
yes feed as munch different food as you can.


Active Member
clown fish are omnivores he needs a combination of meaty and veggie foods sounds like hes getting too much protien in his diet.i would start adding more variety in their diets with veggie flakes by omega one and or thera +A pellets by spectrum.these are the best foods i have found nutrient wise as a dry diet.frozen foods would be prime reef or formula one by ocean nutrition,emerald entrese.aslo adding vit suppliment will be helpfull to all of your fish like garlic extreme and selcon.


Active Member
I would suggest in getting some frozen cyclopeeze! When I bought mine as babies, they won't eat anything I feed. I've tried different varities of food and they just wouldn't eat for me. When I feed cyclopeeze, they went straight to it and have a full belly afterwards. :happyfish

payton 350

it sounds like you just got them....mine did the same thing and in a few days he should start eating it...try making the flakes small.. i had noticed when the flakes were big they would spit it out but if it was small they would eat they eat like pigs


Active Member
Originally Posted by Payton 350
it sounds like you just got them....mine did the same thing and in a few days he should start eating it...try making the flakes small.. i had noticed when the flakes were big they would spit it out but if it was small they would eat they eat like pigs
It varies from fish to fish. Mine wouldn't even touch the small flakes and they didn't eat for a week. They were getting quite thin. Cyclopeeze did the trick!!! :happyfish


New Member
I feed my sw fish flake food, emerald entree's, live brine shrimp, seaweed and supplement with Kent's Zoe Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements. That way all the fish get something that they like. Here is my list of fish...
Mated pair of Perc clowns
1 Hippo Tang
1 Fire Goby
2 Chromis's
1 Pigmy Angel
1 Mandarin
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Domino Damsel
1 6line Wrasse
1 Serpant Starfish
Numerous crabs and snails
My tank is 55g with a 29g sump/refug. with protein skimmer (up to 150g), 3 PH's, PF HOB, 80+lbs. LR, 60lbs. LS and macro algae in sump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Iluvreefs
I feed my sw fish flake food, emerald entree's, live brine shrimp, seaweed and supplement with Kent's Zoe Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements. That way all the fish get something that they like. Here is my list of fish...
Mated pair of Perc clowns
1 Hippo Tang
1 Fire Goby
2 Chromis's
1 Pigmy Angel
1 Mandarin
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Domino Damsel
1 6line Wrasse
1 Serpant Starfish
Numerous crabs and snails
My tank is 55g with a 29g sump/refug. with protein skimmer (up to 150g), 3 PH's, PF HOB, 80+lbs. LR, 60lbs. LS and macro algae in sump.
From what I've read in your profile, your tank is only 3 months old. It's still a young tank. I would suggest in getting some pod supplies from your LFS or order some. It's not established enough to keep a Mandarin!!! Not to mention all the other inhabitants fighting with the mandarin for pods, mainly your Scooter and Sixline Wrasse!!!! IMO, the Scooter and the Mandarin should be taken back to the LFS. By the way, your pretty much over stocked your tank..... :happyfish