My Clown Killed my Shrimp!!!!!


Active Member
I have a pair of goldstriped maroons and they have their anemone that they host. Well, the cleaner shrimp has been stealing the anemone's food and the clowns have been chasing him around the tank. Last night, I noticed my female chasing him around the tank and pushing him vigorously into the rocks. She was really beating him up!!
Needless to say, I woke up and found him shoved in a shell in the bottom of the tank. She was still pushing on him!!!

small triggers

Active Member
goldstripes are evil,,, mine attacks me when i put my hand in the tank. If i move anything around she tries to push it back. I have a HUGE mushroom on a piece of rock bigger than my hand and i have to leave it on the bottom because i put it up on hte LR up higher and she PUSHES it down with her face i might add (it is very heavy)


Active Member
I could understand chasing him away but stuffing him IN A SHELL!?!? His little back was broken..... Juliet is the culprit for all my things movng in the tank. She rearranges it to HER standards. lol

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
Juliet is the culprit for all my things movng in the tank. She rearranges it to HER standards. lol
just like every woman in the world. They get the house the man gets the garage and basment right?


Oh that is too bad.Goldstripe maroons are pretty evil as someone said.Very agressive.Ihave never heard fo a fish stuffing a shrimp in a shell though.


Active Member
Yeah....I was very upset at her for doing that....but, he had been messing with her anemone and she does not like ANYONE messing with it. She's definitely living up to her name about being extremely territorial.


Active Member
my GSM likes to attack me when i put my hand in the tank, but she doesnt hurt so much. my brother had a small male ocellaris that would draw blood, and even jump out of the tank at him when i walked by like a flying piranha .


Wow I have a Maroon and two Perc. clown. I was moving the rock around in my tank and one of the perc. rubbed up against my hand. I thought they would just run? The one perc. bumped into me, the maroon ran, and the one rubbed against me. I don't know what there were doing maybe someone does?


Active Member
Yep, but I still wouldn't get rid of them....I love them very much. I just figured the shrimp shouldn't have been messing with her anemone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
Yep, but I still wouldn't get rid of them....I love them very much. I just figured the shrimp shouldn't have been messing with her anemone.
I wouldn't get rid of them either!
I was just sayin ...


Active Member
They are the centerpiece of my tank....not to mention I'd never here the end of it from my son who loves

small triggers

Active Member
Mine does well in my VERY aggressive tank. I mean when my GSM beats up my clown trigger that is the same size,,, you know she means business... though she always kinda pushes him around when he gets near her ( i think she may think hes a clown fish not a clown trigger???)


Active Member
That might be the reason why she's beating him up when he comes near. I dunno...I may move them over when I put my 225gal up. It's going to be an aggressive tank. Then put another pair that's less aggressive over to the 55gal reef. Haven't decided yet.

small triggers

Active Member
I know that but its just odd that he is the only one she chases all over the tank. the others she only gets mad when they are near her cave,, Its funny since she never hurts him,, just pushes him with her mouth where she wants him to go,,,