My clown wont eat...


I got a clown three days ago and put him in my new tank. He is the only fish and he shares it with a cleaner and fire shrimp and some snails and hermit crabs. My question is...why does he not seem interested in food
I am using some Mysis and this red stuff (vitamins which I cant remember the name) that is disolved in water. I use a turkey baster to put it in the water in front of him and he doesn't even care.
Is he still calming down from the move :notsure:


Active Member
Give it some time, and offer it a bigger variety of foods. Mysis is fine. Try pellets, other frozen meaty foods, some flake might work. Nori is good as clowns eat a good deal of algae in the wild.


Oh yea, I did try the flakes. I even turned off the pump for a minute so he could see them. The flakes just floated on top of the water until my shrimp swam up there and got the pieces. Oh well, I guess its a waiting game


Active Member
yea try pellets, my clown loves them
also in the future, wen u buy a fish at the local fish store, ask the guy if he can feed the fish u want, if u c the fish eat then its safe to buy, if u dont then it will die. there u go a good ryme to remember


Ok, thanks Dude

I will go get some pellets tonight and in the future only buy fish that eat at the store.

blood shrimp

New Member
I use hikari freeze dried brine shrimp and daphnia. I swear by these things. My clowns and other meat eaters devour these foods and they are enriched with vitamins.