Here is a pic of my oscellaris clown. He moves around so much it is hard to get a good clear pic.
bterry29 Member Apr 20, 2003 #1 Here is a pic of my oscellaris clown. He moves around so much it is hard to get a good clear pic.
melissa v. Member Apr 21, 2003 #3 Very nice fish, makes me sad though, i had one and he went carpet surfing( well i guess he did, i never actually found him, i had him for about a week than he was gone and the cat had a nice big smile on his face) Melissa V.
Very nice fish, makes me sad though, i had one and he went carpet surfing( well i guess he did, i never actually found him, i had him for about a week than he was gone and the cat had a nice big smile on his face) Melissa V.
mrangel Member Apr 24, 2003 #6 Beautiful picture of your clown!!! How long have you had him? Marguerite
richard rendos Active Member Apr 25, 2003 #7 nice picture...mine won't ever stay still long are always blurry