my clownfish isn't eating


My parameters are
Temp: 78
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: about 5
PH: 8.3
Salinity: 1.025
They were not taken from the ocean, and in the past I have seen them eat, just not the day I actually bought them.
My fish still hasn't eaten, I'm buying the garlic flavoring additive today. He never swims close enough to the top on the aquarium to even eat the food, and my damsel is a pig and won't stop eating till the food is gone, so very little reaches the bottom of the tank where the clownfish is.


Originally Posted by parameat
My parameters are
Temp: 78
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: about 5
PH: 8.3
Salinity: 1.025
They were not taken from the ocean, and in the past I have seen them eat, just not the day I actually bought them.
My fish still hasn't eaten, I'm buying the garlic flavoring additive today. He never swims close enough to the top on the aquarium to even eat the food, and my damsel is a pig and won't stop eating till the food is gone, so very little reaches the bottom of the tank where the clownfish is.

My guess you got some sick clowns to begin with. Reduced appetite is one of the best indicators of stressed and unhealthy fish. The majority of clowns are very hardy and you shouldn't have much trouble getting them to eat (esp if they are cultured fish). Try the new life spectrum marine formula (you can buy it on this site). my clowns love it (of course they'll eat pretty much anything).


Active Member
There must be something wrong with your water. I have had fish fall out of the tank for over a minute and still eat their food that night lol so I think its wishful thinking to blame it on the fish or the handling. Either you assumed it wasnt your water that was the problem and posted bogus perameters or your test kits could be wrong. However if what you posted is 100% accurate, there could be something else that is keeping them from eating. Are there other fish in the tank with the clownfish? How big is the tank?


-_- Well now it doesn't matter. My dad turned on a space heater and my tank's temp shot up 10 degrees overnight asnd I lost all my fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by parameat
-_- Well now it doesn't matter. My dad turned on a space heater and my tank's temp shot up 10 degrees overnight asnd I lost all my fish.
Sorry to hear about your loss...