My Clownfish laid eggs!!!


When I got up this morning, I found that my clownfish had laid eggs. What is the probability that these eggs might hatch. Anything I can do to increase the chances?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Shaggyblz
When I got up this morning, I found that my clownfish had laid eggs. What is the probability that these eggs might hatch. Anything I can do to increase the chances?

Most of them will probably hatch.


likely that they will hatch but most if not all will die unless you culture some rotifers for them right away so when they do hatch, your chances of having a few survive increase if you have rotifers to feed them right away. You can buy them online. the process is similar to hatching brine shrimp. Good luck and keep us updated as the metamorphosis of clowns is an awesome thing if you can stand the maintenance of them. There are also a few books i can recommend regarding rearing clownfish if you are interested? Good Luck!


not sure. All the literature says and all i ever fed them was live rotifers. your chances of survival are greater with live. but why not give it a shot. if your clownfish pair mated once, they will do it again so you can always try it this time and see and if not go to live next time.
What type of clowns are they?


My clownfish haven't mated yet. I just got them last month. I was just curious about frozen rotifers, as I saw them in my lfs. Jan


Active Member
if you plan on raising the eggs you need to start reading ASAP. it is not as simple as the hatch you feed and everything is great. if they hatch in your current reef tank and are left there you can count on none of them making it unless you get EXTREMLY lucky,
you now know that you have breading clowns so your best bet is to try and get ready for the next hatch. it is not likely you will be able to get ready in time for this one.
you also have to decide if your ready to get into something like this. it is a rather large undertaking and requires a good amount of time. with that said it is a great learning experience and very rewarding. I have never regretted it


New Member
I agree you must be prepared for your next batch. Once you clownfish start laying eggs they will keep doing it every 12-14 days. So start working on getting some rotifers going. Reed mariculture is the place to get them from. From there you should check out


frozen rotifers will not work because the fry will not see them moving in the water column and will not devlop hunting skills. I agree with Oceana, let this batch go and do some homework.


Originally Posted by kaingers
frozen rotifers will not work because the fry will not see them moving in the water column and will not devlop hunting skills. I agree with Oceana, let this batch go and do some homework.
yup agreed frozen won't work. but letting them go with out trying is stupid try to save at least 5 or even more. so then on your next lot you will have a little bit more experiance then you previously had and then you can have more survive then you would with no experiance at all.
so please people give sensible advice and not wrong advice!


Originally Posted by dse
please people give sensible advice and not wrong advice!
If I remember correctly on another breeding thread you said that they should raise the fry in a 50 gallon tank? That is wrong advice. Sensible advice is telling them that they have 0% chance in being successful raising clowns past 24 hours without a greenwater culture, rotifers tank, and the proper equipment. What would be the point of trying to raise 5 fry? The only experience you will gain from that is that they will die without rotifers. Your theory makes no sense, and anyone who has raised clowns before would agree that you can not raise fry without the previously mentioned cultures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dse
yup agreed frozen won't work. but letting them go with out trying is stupid try to save at least 5 or even more. so then on your next lot you will have a little bit more experiance then you previously had and then you can have more survive then you would with no experiance at all.
so please people give sensible advice and not wrong advice!

i did not say let them go as in who cares i said your best to prep for the next batch becasue the odds of being succesfull with this batch are slim to none. you simply do not have enough time to get ready. the only way it will work is if you have the proper cultures available to you. considering 99.9% or people will not have these available and the fact that you cant grown them in enough time yourself the odds are VERY slim to expect any sort of success.
so instead of having a very frustrated breeder wondering why things are not working and wasting time and money it is much better to have a well informed breeder going into things prepared and ready to this new venture.
i would not be so quick to say someone is giving wrong advice unless you yourself know more then the person you are criticizing. baised on the fact that you yourself have said you have noty bothered with breeding salt water fish i would say that you dont have enough weight to be throwing around comments like that.


1st thing don't bring in other threads said thats compleatly irrillevent to this thread.
second of all the reason i don't bother too much with breeding is well see that picture up top theres me and my 2 kids(one at 2 years of age and the other at 6month old) so i have no time. 3 years ago i was breeding before my wife got pregnant. so before you shoot your mouth off and try to make a personal attack think before you say.
also i never even used in anyway possible of you saying who cares let them die, i'm saying you can still raise them some lfs breed and sell rotifers. hats here in the uk. dunno about usa....