My Clownfish won't close his mouth


New Member
I have had my clownfish for almost a year in a well established 39 gallon tank. Just recently (within the last few days) I have noticed that one of my clownfish (I have 3) does not close his mouth or eat. He acts like he wants to eat but I don't think that he can. Is there something that I should be worried about or will this eventually go away? In case this matters, his gills look fine, they are not red at all. If anyone knows something about this I would greatly appreciate some advice. Thank you.

billy mac

he might have a growth on his mouth, it happened to one of my clowns and a friend actually held it in her hand and picked it off and now he is fine, see if you notice anything growing around his mouth


I don't know what is wrong but maybe you should get more minutes for your cell phone to avoid overage charges.
Sorry couldn't resist.
Do you have any cleaners in case it is a parasite (i.e. shrimp or wrasses)?