My Clownfish wont eat what I offer Any Sugg.?



My Percula clown acts hungry when I feed everyone, but he spits out all of what he bites, My 3 chromis and maroon clown eat the brine shrimp and the maroon eats the ORAglo pellets if i make them smaller (he is really small) I have tried Brine, Pellets, and Flakes (no one wants them). WHat do you all feed your clowns??? He acts very hungry. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by jessed244
My Percula clown acts hungry when I feed everyone, but he spits out all of what he bites, My 3 chromis and maroon clown eat the brine shrimp and the maroon eats the ORAglo pellets if i make them smaller (he is really small) I have tried Brine, Pellets, and Flakes (no one wants them). WHat do you all feed your clowns??? He acts very hungry. Thanks

Brine is okay at first to get a fish to eat but it holds little nutritional value unless its live. How about cyclops, small particles of food fish love it. And you can also try formula 1 frozen, all my fish LOVE it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Homemade food, Cyclop-Eeze, and/or Mysis Shrimp.
How long have you had the Clownfish?

I was told mysis too with my clown fish but its odd, my pseudochromis chows mysis, but my clown fish spit it out. Not sure why because it eats every thing else I offer it, ORA Glow pellets, flake, cyclops, formula 1, even a chunk of silverside that happens to get away from my shrimp.


i had the same problem with one of my clowns...mine eventually ate frozen shrimp i bought from the grocery store. now i'm able too feed it a variety of things like flake food and frozen brine pretty much all the things it wouldnt eat before...hope that helps! good luck


Thanks, I havent tried the mysis yet, and I do have some. I asked the LFS today and she said to try the live brine so I got some of that I will try in the morning. Thanks