my clownfish


New Member
hey guys i have a quick question for everyone last night one of my clown fish started really going after another, its the bigger of the two he or she is grabbing the right fin of the other one and actually holds on to it then lets go and chases it around the tank and then goes after the fins again i dont know whats going on i bought them from two different stores and put them together the onll other things i have in the tank is a mated pair of seahorses and some crabs. any help would be cool.


Active Member
If they are the same species of clown, they may form a pair. Different species of clowns should (almost) never be kept together. The bigger ones are usually females, although without more info, I really don't know. Many female clowns are very aggressive fish. I'm surprised your seahorses are still there, they should never be kept with any fish; other than tiny gobies or pipefish. IMO, you're doing the right thing; asking questions on this forum. But, unless you do some serious research & reading; you will have nothing left in a very short time. You have to decide: fish or seahorses? Not both.


New Member
well this setup is only temp. i have a 55 gallon cycling right now so the clowns are going in that one i dont think they are the same but they might be i think there both false but im not to sure they both cost around 20 so i dont think there all that great and actually the clown fish dont even care about the seahorses they dont even go near them at all so i think there going to be ok and i have done research and alot of also i have been talking to a bunch of shops that only sell clowns and seahorses also with a breeder of the 2 and he says that he has never had a problem so im taking his word for now the seahorses are now holding tails which is cool, but if anyone has anything that can help that would be cool.