My clowns flirting or fighting?


Active Member
About 2 months ago I bought 2 tank raised percula clowns. They seemed paired up at the store and in the tank they were always together. They were about 1" long when i bought them. They are a little bigger now and one is bigger than the other. Yesterday they started fighting. She (the bigger one) was constantly chasing him away from their anenome. He just wants to go home and keeps going back. They have had a couple of knock out drag out chasing bouts in the anenome.
Are they fighting or just flirting? Did she suddenly decide that she does not like him, or are they going to have make up ___ later?


Active Member
Ha thats funny :)
They could be mating but that doesn't sound like mating to me. It could just be harmelss chasing. If you see torn fins and missing scales then they are truly fighting....


Active Member
does the smaller one do a little shimmer and shaky thing when they are finished?? He might even point his head down a little while doing his I surrender dance.
As long as there is a size difference then I'd let them chase a bit. But they may have to be seperated after a while!!

bang guy

If the larger one (female) doesn't pick on the smaller one (male) then the smaller one will beging the change to become female.
The fighting is required for a pair to stay intact.