My clowns just bred, what now?


I finally got my pair of oscellaris clowns to breed. I found a clear, stringy group of eggs on the front of the glass today. Now that I'm this far I'm wondering if anyone can give me advice on rearing them. How long does it take for them to hatch? What should I do to insure they don't die? What do I feed them? Advice would be greatly appreciated.

bang guy


Originally posted by ddaddy
I found a clear, stringy group of eggs on the front of the glass today.

This sounds like snail eggs...


Active Member
it does soudn like snail eggs but i have no clue what clown eggs look like though:rolleyes:
check out the search on snail eggs, someone posted a picture of them... check if that is what it looks like.


Active Member
i also thought that they hatched them in the anenome for protection... i thought that wsa the majore purpose of the anenome...
well dave, if they are clownfish eggs I would put a net around them... one like a brine shrimp net and as soon as they begin hatching... wati for them all to hatch and then put them into a bowl or something that floats in the tank and feed them phytoplankton or soemthing.

bang guy


Originally posted by killafins
is that the shadow or the color of ur perc!!!:eek:

The coloring is accurate. There's a little bleeding of the white on the tail because it was moving.

bang guy


Originally posted by CheerFlip1
Bang Guy~
did you try raising those?

I haven't had time to try yet. I'm focussing on the Banggai for now.


Well I guess they're just snail eggs after all. Thanks for the info though. I think I'll buy a carpet and bulb anemone and see which one my clowns like most. Maybe that'll get them to lay eggs. I thought that the snail eggs were clown eggs because my clowns have been doing a lot of courtship dancing lately and the eggs were near where they hung out a lot.
thanks again,

bang guy


Originally posted by CheerFlip1
that's your clowns lay eggs often?

Every two week like clockwork.

bang guy


Originally posted by ddaddy
I think I'll buy a carpet and bulb anemone and see which one my clowns like most. Maybe that'll get them to lay eggs.

Hey Dave, Don't buy an Anemone just for the Clowns... better yet, Don't buy a Carpet for any reason ;)
Clownfish don't need an anemone for breeding or any other reason. In fact, most commercial breeders just have a clay tile for a host.


Active Member
I remember we spent and entire two weeks on species relationsihps like cleaner shrimp and fish, clonwfish and anenome's... wee had a huge discussion on how they NEEDED the anenome to lay eggs... well... my ecology teacher probably over exagerated...


I have 2 maroon clowns with out a anenome, they lay eggs every 2 weeks on the back of the tank on the glass. It is always around the same time.