My Clowns


My mating pair of cinamon clown are making the nest for about 3 days now. They making a big hole in my sand and bushing the Anemone
into that hole.
I think the Anemone is small for them.
Is it ok if I get a new Big Anemones and put in the hole, I mean real big one.
And btw, I am taping my tank right now.
If any of you interesting to see the video, I will send it to you as soon as I completed it.


or I can make Mpeg files and let you guys download them.
I think this is a better option


Active Member
i would not disturb the anemone, now, they have made a nest, why bother them?(they are apparently happy wiht the one they chose and many animals do not like their nest disturbed), plus adding another, what is to say they are definitely going to take to that on